Special Soup

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Daisy's POV

    The bubbling in my tummy started to make its presence again.

I reach for the bucket and throw up all of the tea Gloria made for me.

"Owww..." I mutter. My insides hurt so bad.

"Oh dear, it's okay hunny. You're okay." Gloria notices and grabs a rag to wipe my mouth.

Tears welt up in my eyes. I hurt so bad, why is this happening?

Cutting me out of my thoughts I see both my daddies walk in the room.

Daddy James looks a little freaked out while daddy Asher gives me a smile.

Just when they were about to say something I throw up again.

I feel the hot acidic bile make its way up my throat burning my insides.

"Make it stop... please." I beg for anyone to help me.

Gloria places a hand on my forehead.

"She's burning up." She looks at my daddies.

I think I'm dying. I feel like death.

"Daddy, am I dying?" I look at daddy Asher.

He chuckles.

It's not funny.

"No angel, I promise you're not dying." He sits next to me trading places with Gloria.

I snuggle into his warmth and close my eyes.

When I wake up, I see a strange man helping me sit up.

I scoot back and look for my daddies finding them both on the other side of the couch.

"Good morning, Daisy, I'm doctor Elm. I'm just going to check you out, okay? I'm not going to hurt you." He gives me a reassuring smile.

I nod my head and let him continue.

He puts a cold metal thing in my mouth and holds it there until it beeps. When it beeps, he pulls it out and looks at it.

"99.8" he says.

"Is that bad? Am I dying?" I ask him.

"It's a little high, but no, I'm a good doctor and I won't let you die." He squeezes my arm gently.

He listens to my heartbeat, and he said that it's normal. He looks in my ears and the back of my throat and says they look normal too.

"Okay Daisy, I'm going to give you a cup, and I want you to pee in it for me." He instructs.

How am I supposed to pee in a cup? I can't see where I'm peeing...

"How?" I ask.

He looks at me confused.

"You hold it under you and pee in it." He says slowly as if I'm stupid. Okay maybe it was a stupid question but don't make me kick you sir.

I take the cup and go to the bathroom.

I sit on the toilet and put the clear cup under me, as I start to pee, I totally miss the cup.

"Dang it." I whisper as I stop the stream.

Repositioning I start to pee again and once again miss, this time hitting my hand.

"Ewww." I whine.

I once again reposition the cup and finally I got it.

I'm peeing in a cup!!

When I'm done, I place the lid back on it and turn the hot water on to wash my hands.

Daisy's DaddiesWhere stories live. Discover now