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Daisy's POV

     We decorate the cupcakes and I think we did the most amazing job.

     We decorate the cupcakes and I think we did the most amazing job

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I did the sprinkles all by myself.

I can't wait for Carson to try one with me I'm so excited.

"Tonight, is our last night here princess, what do you want to do?" Daddy James asks.

I look at daddy Asher.

"What?" He turns around quickly.

"Whatchya got daddy?" I ask.

He mumbles nothing then turns around.

"Hey, you stole a cupcake!" I point at him accusingly.

"You're a chef angel, I couldn't resist." He smiles kissing me forehead.

Hmmm...okay...compliments to the chef.

"Can we watch Elf?" I ask both of them.

"Is that the movie with that guy named Buddy?" Daddy James asks.

I nod excitedly and they both say yes.


Hearing footsteps I look in the doorway and see Carson standing there with terrible bed head. Ha! She had a good time.

"You and your daddy want to watch Elf with us?" I ask her hoping she will say yes.

"Yes! I love that movie." She jumps.

I love that movie too.

We both run into the living room and wait for one of our daddies to turn it on.

After waiting for about 10 minutes the guys come into the room holding hot chocolate, the cupcakes, and some other snacks.

My mouth is watering just looking at all the yummy stuff being set in front of me.

The guys sit on the couch and me and Carson sit on the floor in front of them drinking the hot chocolate and stuffing cupcakes in our mouths.

We're at the part where Buddy puts all kinds of stuff on his spaghetti.

"I want to try that." I say more to myself than anyone else.

"No, you don't angel, that'd be disgusting." Daddy Asher nudges me.

After the movie and a little chatter, I'm being tucked into bed.

Today was a good day...despite almost beating up Drew.

I wake up in the morning stretching my body.

We spent an hour packing our stuff and saying our goodbyes. It was really hard to say bye to Carson, daddy Asher basically pried me off of her.

The ride home was long, and we stopped at a small diner to eat some lunch.

Finally getting home I let out a big yawn.

"You should take a nap princess." Daddy James suggests.

I shake my head no.

"I want to say hi to Gloria." I tell him and he smiles.

Walking around the house I look for her, finally finding her in daddy James' office cleaning.

"Gloriaaa!" I say running up for a hug.

The smile on her face grows wider as she stands up to hug me.

"How was it dear? Did you have fun?" She asks.

We talk for I don't know how long but the doorbell cuts off our conversation.

I walk down the stairs and see police officers at the door.


"This is ridiculous, there's nothing on us!" Daddy James yells at the officer.

"Nina has evidence." The cop yells back at him.

"Who the fuck is Nina?" Daddy Asher furiously asks.

"I guess we will see now, won't we?" The cop rolls his eyes.

"Wait no! Don't take them away!" I run down the stairs ready to fight.

"Daisy tell Gloria to call...our friend and that friend will look after you." Daddy Asher gives me the most serious look I've ever seen.

Oh no... this is bad...this is really bad.

I run back up the stairs and tell Gloria everything.

With worry written in her eyes she picks up the phone and dials a number.

I'm so scared right now.

They said they were safe...nothing bad was supposed to happen.

"Mr. James and Asher got taken into police custody just now, they said to call you and ask if you could look after Daisy." She pauses for a moment.

"Of course, here or there?"

"No sir, I don't mind at all. I actually prefer to have her here so I can be with her too." Gloria looks at me with sad eyes.

Her deep brown eyes that have slight wrinkling break my heart even more. Her fear shows me that this is all real.

"Yes sir, whatever time suits you best. Did you two eat already? I can have something prepared by the time you get here."

"Thank you I'll see you soon. Bye." Gloria hangs up the phone and pulls my arms in for a hug.

"You're okay dear. Don't cry. It's all going to be okay." She coos.

Will it though? Will it really all be okay? It doesn't feel like it.

My life once again did a complete 360.

The burning feeling in my chest crawls up my throat and my chest begins to ache.

I just want my Daddies.

Who's Nina? What evidence does she have?


Daisy's DaddiesWhere stories live. Discover now