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*Daisy's POV*

"Why are you doing this?" I ask looking up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I just want more money from the brothers." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Couldn't you have just asked?" Like seriously, why'd you go through all this.

"There's one more thing that I want Daisy."

"And?" Urging him to continue.

"All in due time Daisy. " What the hell does that mean?

I see him pull out his phone and dial a number.

Really? You're making a phone call right now?

I hear the ringing of someone being called. He walks out of the room. Umm hello, you're just going to leave me in here.

Never in a million years would I have thought the man who raised me would kidnap me and hold me ransom. Bria's dad never gave off the 'I'll kidnap you one day' vibes. I don't exactly know what those vibes would feel like but whatever the feeling is, it's not this.

Tears brim my eyes. Why can't I have a normal life. My parents died when I was 8, instead of going to an orphanage my friends' parents took me in...and then took me against my will, then two random ass guys buy me from them, and I end up falling in love. What the hell is my life?

I sit in the dark room on the concrete floor for I don't know how long, it felt like forever until I heard footsteps.

I see the man who raised me walk back into the room. He has a look on his face that I don't recognize. This isn't my dad... this can't be him.

Another man comes in with a video camera pointed at me. Its
...Ivan? Okay um, cool.

My dad approaches me and leans down to my ear.

"I want you to cry for me. " He whispers. What kind of sadistic fuck says something like that?

As I sit there in thought he pulls me up forcibly and throws me on a chair. I thought this room was empty. When did a chair get here?

I'm then tied up by rope. The rope is digging into my skin. I wince at the pain.

Out of nowhere my shirt is ripped off my body.

"P... please sto-"

"P p p p please stoooop." He says mocking me rolling his eyes.

What did I ever do to you?

Tears roll down my cheeks. I can't hold them back anymore. My eyes are burning.

I feel his hand touch my stomach. This is disgusting. I feel my stomach pushing up vomit.

I feel a hard smack on my face. W... what did I do?

I see blood drip from my cheek. He hit me so hard I'm bleeding. I never thought he'd ever hit me. Am I dreaming? No, I felt that hit.

"Get me my money." He says then Ivan shuts off the camera. Good...it's over.

When my dad, or Bria's dad, I don't even what to call him my dad anymore, walks out the room Ivan turns around.

He unties the rope that's cutting into my skin. I hiss in pain.

"Ivan, please help me." I plea.

He looks at me with a sad look. I know what that means.

I stand out of the chair and fall to my knees. I don't know how long I've been here.

Hours? Days? Weeks?

I know I've lost track of time.

I reach up and touch the cut on my face. It probably feels worse than it looks, or at least, I hope.

I feel my stomach growl. I grab it trying to mask the noise.

Like they could read minds, I see Ivan come in with a tray of food.

He sets it down in front of me and I look at it.

Definitely not Gloria's cooking but it'll do.

I grab the tray and freeze. What if they poisoned this? I'm starving but, I rather starve than be poisoned.

I throw the tray on the ground splattering food on the floor.

I hear Ivan huff and walk out the room. Whatever, be mad.

I lay my head against the wall and nod off to sleep.

I'm awakened by my stomach growling; it's starting to cramp up from hunger.

I look at the splattered food on the floor and quickly look away. I repeat in my head that I rather starve.

The door opens to those heavy footsteps. No, it's him. Please go away.

"Stand up, you look disgusting. I don't know what they see in you." His words cut through my heart. I don't know why I care what he thinks. But maybe in a way I feel like he's right. I don't know what they see in me. I don't know why they love me. Is it because I just complied to everything they said? Is it because I put out too early? Is it because I was easy?

I put my head down in shame.

"I came in here to take some more pictures so stand up." I stand up with my legs shaking. I feel so weak.

He snaps a couple pictures of me then pushes me to the ground. I plop down with a sharp exhale of breath.

I don't even care anymore. Just kill me.

Make this pain just end.


Daisy's DaddiesWhere stories live. Discover now