Coloring Book Fun

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He hovers the fork over my mouth, and I keep it shut. No peas for me.

*Daisy's POV*

"Eat it princess." Daddy James says sternly. I look at him with pleading eyes.

"But they are yucky daddy." I complain. Please don't make me eat it.

"I didn't ask if they were 'yucky.'" He says with quotations around 'yucky'.  I don't want to be spanked in front of Drew. That would be so embarrassing.

I open my mouth slightly and look at the peas on his fork. Oh no, here they come.

He slides the fork in my mouth and the peas fall in. Ew, ew, ew, ew, gross. I close my eyes and finish chewing.  I gulp it down dramatically. Please no more.

"See it wasn't that bad angel." Daddy Asher comments. I remember the last time I wouldn't eat my peas. I remember his hands on my butt and then daddy James rubbing all over it. My insides started to clench.

Daddy James grabs another fork full of peas. Uuughhhhh. I part my lips once more and they fall in. Why are peas even food? Why do people eat them? They are mushy and gushy and yucky. I chew them up as fast as I can and gulp it down.

"Daddy I'm full." I'm totally not trying to get out of eating these...delicious...peas, but I much rather die than eat more.

"Have a little more fish then you can be done princess." Daddy James says. No more peas? Yes! I mentally high five myself.

We finish the fish and daddy James eats the rest of the peas thank goodness.

"You staying here Drew?" Daddy Asher asks. What? No, he can't stay here.

"We have multiple rooms; it wouldn't be an issue." Daddy James adds in. I mean...a hotel wouldn't be bad either, go to a hotel Drew.

I cross my arms waiting for Drew's reply.

"It'd be great to stay here, I'm going back home after the gala, so I won't be here long." Drew says. At least he won't steal my Daddies from me for long.

"I'll show you to your room." Daddy Asher says standing up out of his chair.

I jump off daddy James' lap and walk up to my room.

I look through the coloring books on my shelf and grab the one with princesses on it. I flip through the pages landing on Snow White. The page is of her and a bunch of little critters. This is the one I want to color!

I jump up and grab the crayons on the shelf next to the coloring books.

I lay on the floor with the coloring book and pull out a yellow crayon. I start coloring when the door opens.

"What are you coloring princess?" Daddy James walks in smiling at me.

"Snow White daddy, isn't she pretty?" I look up at him.

"Shes pretty princess, but nothing compared to you." He says back sweetly. I giggle and continue coloring.

"Wanna color with me daddy?" I hope he says yes. Please say yes.

"Sure princess, let's color." He says sitting on the floor. Yes!

I hand him a page that has Cinderella on it.

"Cinderella has a green dress, right?" He asks smirking.  A green dress? No? Why would he think she had a green dress?

"No daddy. Its blue and sparkly." I hand him a blue crayon giggling at the thought of Cinderella wearing a green dress.

As we color, I look at daddy's page. Hes good at this, all the color is in the lines and his eyebrows are furrowed.

"Why are you mad daddy? Did I do something wrong?"

"No princess, why would I be mad?" He looks as confused as I feel.

"You have a mad look on your face daddy." I say tilting my head.

"Maybe that's the face i make when I'm focusing on something." He says sticking out his tongue.

I giggle. He has a funny focus face. 

"When is the gala daddy?"

"Tomorrow night princess."

"Do we get to go shopping?" I always loved shopping and looking at all the clothes and random things around.

"Yes princess, we need to get you a dress and a couple suits. If you're good you can pick out a toy." He says putting down a crayon.

I stand up and excitedly jump on his lap wrapping my legs around him and my arms around his neck.

"I'll be good daddy I promise." I say kissing his cheek.

His normal deep blue eyes turn darker with lust.

"Oh yeah princess?" He whispers in my ear. I blush and nod my head yes.

He kisses the sweet spot on my neck. I felt my legs tighten around him at the sudden pleasure of his lips on my neck. Daddy James is very talented with his mouth. But...I want to do what daddy James did to me in the car...I want to make him feel how I felt.

I stood up and he looked at me standing up.

"Are you okay princess?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes daddy, can we lay down?"

He pulls me to the bed, and we lay down next to each other. I look up into his eyes and let my eyes travel lower to his neck.

I lean up and place a little peck on it. I hear him clear his throat.

"What was that princess?" I ignore his question.

I continue to kiss his neck and he grabs my arms. Pulling me back to look at him.

"You trying to turn daddy on princess?" He asks with dark eyes. I look down and see that his dick is at least halfway hard, it's hard to tell because his jeans are restricting his length.

I shyly nod my head yes and he grabs my butt. I squeal in surprise.

"Daddy, can I make you feel how you made me feel in the car?" I asked with my face definitely as red as a tomato.

He looks at me with shock written on his face. Did I say something wrong?

"You don't have to princess, don't feel like you have to repay me or anything. I wanted to make you cum." He says looking in my eyes.

"I want to make you cum daddy, please?" I give him my best puppy eyes. He leans his head back and takes a deep breath.

"Okay princess, but you can stop at any time. I won't make you do it...for now at least." He says slyly. For now? What does that mean?

He unbuckles his belt and pulls down his blue jeans and boxers.

His dick springs into action looking just as big as daddy Asher's. Its huge just like his.

I crawl between his legs and look up at him not knowing what to do.

"Give it a kiss, right here." He says pointing to the very tip.


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