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Daisys POV

     "Daisy wake up. We have to go home." My eyes flutter open and I see Carsons nose touching mine, which makes her face look warped.

"You have one eye." I giggle.

She laughs with me then we say our goodbyes.

Daddy James walks her and Drew to the door and closes it behind them.

"Is daddy Asher home?" I ask daddy James.

He looks at me and gives me a sad smile.

Why are you sad?

I tug on his hand for him to tell me.

"He's been in court all day. I know I told you he was at work but, I didn't want you to worry." He says quickly.

I remember what court is. When my mom and dad died Bria's parents took me there so they could keep me and so I didn't have to go into the foster system. They were really nice to me there, I got lots of candy.

"Will he get candy like I did?" I ask with a smile. Daddy Asher probably would love some candy.

"No princess." He chuckles.

"Then why is he there?" I tilt my head.

His hands softly flick a stray strand of hair out of my face, and he smiles at me

"Let's go watch the Bee movie." He changes the subject.

"Wait daddy, please tell me." I pout my lip out.

"We aren't having this conversation princess." He walks into the living room.

I follow him with my anger slowly rising.

"I want to know." I stomp my foot.

His eyes shoot up from the DVD player and he gives me the 'watch your mouth' look.

"I told you, we aren't talking about this." He uses his authoritative voice.

I roll my eyes. Why the heck did he even bring it up then? Stupid daddy.

"You better fix those eyes princess."

I cross my arms over my chest and plop to the floor.

"Behave Daisy." He warns.

No. I don't want to.

I hold my ground and I see him walk towards me.

"Bratty girls don't get to watch tv, go to the corner and stand there." He demands.

His voice is like thick honey. So seductive and dangerous.

I stomp my way to the corner and stand there facing him.

"Turn around." He says twirling his finger.

I let out a sigh and turn around.

Stupid daddy, stupid court, stupid Bee movie, and stupid corner.

It feels like I've been standing here for forever even though I'm sure I've only been here for ten minutes.

"Daddy can I please stop now. I'll be a good girl." I state.

"First, I decide if you're being a good girl. Second, if you come out now, you're going straight to your room."

My eyes water.

"Please daddy? I'm sorry." I give him my best puppy eyes.

He looks at me softly.

When we walks towards me, I throw my arms around him.

I don't like time out.

"It's 8pm princess, let's get you into some pajamas and we can color for a bit." He says soothing me.

I nod my head with no protest, and he carries me up the stairs.

After we color, he tucks me into my bed. I drew him a picture of all of us with a bunny. I really want to get a bunny. He drew a big flower with a smiley face in it. He's a really good artist.

When I wake up in the morning, I see daddy Asher sleeping next to me.

"Daddy!" I yell excitedly.

His eyes pop open in fear then he realizes how happy I am to see him.

He smiles and pinches my cheek.

"I missed you angel. I was busy all day yesterday and I needed to sleep next to you." He says with his sexy morning voice. Please, talk more.

"Why were you in court daddy?" I ask in hopes he will tell me.

He huffs.

"Don't worry about it angel."

Will somebody please freaking tell me what's going on.

I get out of bed and take my morning pee.

Maybe Carson knows something?

I make my way downstairs passing a fast asleep Asher and find James.

"Hey daddy?" I sing.

He looks at me and raises his eyebrows while taking a sip of coffee.

Ew, coffee.

"Can Carson come over again today?"

I see him think about it for a minute.

I just now notice he's already dressed with shoes on.

"I don't see why not princess, as long as you eat your breakfast, I'll tell Drew to bring her by." He smiles.

"Why you dressed daddy?"

He looks away from me and into his cup of coffee.

"I have to go where Asher was yesterday."

"Daddy why can't I know?" Maybe this way I'll get something out of him.

"You'll know eventually princess. I have to go now." He says kissing the top of my head.

I watch as he walks out the door.

Time to snoop.


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