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Daisy's POV

     I take a spoonful of the warm soup and slurp it up.

"Mmm." I moan. It's delicious.

I see daddy Asher readjust his pants.

I continue to eat the soup and after I eat about half of it, I'm stuffed.

"Uuuggh." I groan grabbing my tummy.

"You okay princess?" Daddy James looks at me worried.

"I'm stuffed daddy."

He whispers something but I didn't catch it.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Nothing angel. Don't worry about it." Daddy Asher says looking at daddy James amusingly.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't do that angel. You can still be punished after you feel better." Daddy Asher smirks.

My eyes grow wide. No imma good girl.

I lay back and watch Shrek until my eyes close.

I feel warm fingers traveling up my inner thigh sending sparks to my pussy.

I move my hips wanting them to touch me where I'm craving to be touched.

The fingers rub the outside of my panties and I let out a soft moan.

Another hand comes and lifts my shirt to gently squeeze my hard nipples.

My back arches and I feel my panties being moved to the side.

"Mmm." I let another moan slip.

I feel fingers trace my opening and I feel myself getting wetter by the second.

Suddenly I shoot up and throw up all the soup I ate. was just a dream. Luckily the bucket was right there, or I would've thrown up all over the floor.

Daddy Asher rubs my back while daddy James wipes my mouth.

When I'm done, I lay back and cry.

"Don't cry angel." Daddy Asher wipes away the tear on my cheek.

I want to keep dreaming...I want to keep having that same dream.

After a while daddy James speaks up.

"What were you dreaming about princess?" He asks with a smirk.

I feel my face heat up.

"N...noth...nothing daddy...I don't...I..." I mentally curse myself for stuttering so much.

I hear them both laugh.

"It's okay princess. You'll be moaning for real once you feel better." Daddy James bites his lip.

My face is as red as a tomato now.

I hide my face in my hands and they both chuckle again.

They know...they know I had a sexy dream.

"It's okay angel." Daddy Asher rubs my back until I fall back asleep.

Sadly, that dream didn't come back.

"Princess, it's time to take more medicine." Daddy James whispers.

I sluggishly sit up and take the pills and take the cup that's filled with fresh apple juice and take my pills.

I look out the window and see that the sun went down already.

"What time is it daddy?" I ask him.

He smiles at my confusion.

"It's 8pm princess. You've been in and out of sleep all day."

"Sorry daddy." I pout.

"It's okay princess. We just want you to get better and when you do, we're all going to go somewhere fun." Daddy James smiles at me.

That's enough to get me excited.

I wonder where we will go.

Daddy James pulls the blankets back up onto my shoulders and kisses my cheek.

He takes the bucket off the floor and walks out of the room with it.

"Where do you think we will go Maple?" I hold her closely.

Hmm. It's too cold for the beach. Maybe we will go somewhere festive?

"How're you feeling angel?" Daddy Asher cuts off my thoughts.

"I'm okay right now daddy." I smile and give him grabby hands.

He picks me up and holds me against his hard body. I snuggle into his neck and kiss his cheek.

As his hands hold me up by my butt, we make our way into the kitchen.

He sets me on the counter and goes into the fridge pulling out strawberries.

He pulls one out and places it at my lips.

I slowly open my mouth and take a small bite.

"Good girl." Daddy Asher praises me.

I am a good girl. If I had a tail, it'd be wagging.

I finish the strawberry that he fed to me and then I fed him one.

His perfect lips wrapping around the strawberry gave me butterflies.

He gave me his signature smirk and I looked down.

I hate how well they can read me.

After he was done, he carried me back into the living room and daddy James was fixing my pillows and blankets.

Daddy Asher laid me back down and tucked me in.

They both kissed my head and said to sleep.

Even though I've been sleeping all day I'm so eyes burn, and they feel heavy.

It wasn't long before I drifted off.


Daisy's DaddiesWhere stories live. Discover now