The End

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Daisy's POV

   A few weeks pass and my emotions are all over the place. Sometimes I'm happy, but a lot of the times I'm depressed and numb, hope, hope is what's keeping me going.

I miss my daddies more than I've ever missed anything. It's extremely hard to wake up and see them not here or eat breakfast with them or do anything that we used to always do together.

Drew said that he got a call saying that there will be a private retrial and that the jury wouldn't be deciding if their guilty or not, but the judge is. Luckily new information was found. Aka the money we took out of the account.

It was an amazing idea, and I never would've come up with it myself.

That's what I'm standing here getting ready for... The retrial.

Since it's still cold outside I decide to put on a fluffy warm dark blue shirt, jeans, and a pair of white shoes.

Since it's still cold outside I decide to put on a fluffy warm dark blue shirt, jeans, and a pair of white shoes

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I feel like I have to dress like a big girl there even though I really didn't want to.

Once we make it to the court, I remember to leave my phone in the car so that scary alarm won't go off when I walk through the doors.

All three of us walk through and I make the mistake of turning around.

Bria is here, walking through the doors.

"Don't look at her Daisy, she doesn't know what happened." Drew instructs.

Mistakenly I don't listen.

When her eyes meet mine all I see is anger, and hatred.

My once best friend in the whole world despises me.

"Come on mom, it smells like bitch in here." Bria comments to her mom passing me.

My heart aches. I didn't do anything...

"Daisy." Carson pulls me in for a hug.

"I love you, it's okay. It's finally going to be over." She whispers and tries to cheer me up.

I just nod and we continue to walk into the room.

This time it's smaller and it's just us, Bria and her mom, and Nina. Not even the judge is in the room yet.

After waiting for 15 minutes my Daddies enter the room locking eyes with me before they sit down.

Then comes the judge.

Upon hours of talking the judge says she's reached her decision.

"In the case of James, I find you- not guilty."

My heart explodes with joy.

Happy tears crawl down my face and drop on my leg.

He's out...he's freaking out!

"In the case of Asher, I find you- not guilty."

"This is fucking bullshit. They killed my father!" Bria yells.

"Ma'am you are out of order. If you can't control yourself then you will be removed." The judge says.

Ha! That's what you get for calling me a bitch.

"I suggest you two hire someone to investigate who is stealing your money."

"Yes, your honor, of course." Daddy James smiles.

It's been so long since I've seen him smile.

"Case dismissed." The judge slams her hammer down on her podium.

Police unlock the handcuffs hanging off my daddies' wrists and they both run up to me and embrace me in a hug.

"Hey princess!" Daddy James says kissing me head.

"We missed you so much Angel." Daddy Asher adds.

All I could do was cry and hold onto them for dear life.

Holding until my knuckles turn white terrified of them leaving again.

"Alright what'd you fuckers do? Pay the judge?" Bria crosses her arms with a face so red she's almost fuming.

"Come on daddies, it smells like bitch in here." I look at her dead in the eyes repeating her words.

We move to the corner of the courtroom and continue to hug until the police officers say they have to take my daddies back to discharge them.

Stupid cops, ruining the moment.

Once we leave, I hug Drew in the biggest bear hug I could.

"You did it Drew!" I say happily

He smiles and hugs me back.

"Let's go home and get the house ready for them." He smiles.

The ride home was full of cheer from Carson and I singing and dancing in our seats.

We get back to the mansion and I tell Gloria the good news.

She gives a big smile and engulfs me in a hug.

We clean the house spotless, well it was already clean, but we cleaned it more.

Gloria was preparing a meal, so Carson and I helped her.

We stirred things and she let us cut stuff up.

Luckily nobody cut themselves. I wasn't wanting any blood in this food. It had to be perfect.

"I just got a call. They're on their way." Drew says in the doorway.


"Are you excited?" Carson asks looking at me.

"Is that even a question? -" I ask, "of course I am." I finish laughing.

She nudges my arm playfully as we set the table.

"Gloria, can you eat with us tonight? Please?" I ask her.

I already set a place for her, so she better say yes.

She nods and smiles. Yes!

After waiting for 20 minutes, I hear them walk through the door.

Their home!

I run up to them and jump.

"Welcome home Daddies!"


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