January 3rd

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Daisy's POV

     A few weeks pass.

Christmas felt like nothing. Yeah, we opened presents and on Christmas Eve Carson and I stayed up late to try and catch Santa...but I just...I couldn't have fun. Of course, I put on a happy face, and I tried, I really tried to be happy. I just couldn't.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the day we go to court. I'm excited but nervous.

Is it possible they could go to jail?

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts. I don't even want to think about that.

"Daisy breakfast!" Drew calls out to me.

Drew has been taking ample care of me. Him and Gloria make sure that my feelings are validated and whenever I need or want to cry, I can always go to them.

Sitting next to Carson at the table a plate of pancakes and sausage is laid in front of us.

Mmm pancakes.

I grab the syrup and pour it on there not stopping the drip.

"Whoa settle down crazy girl, you're drowning your pancakes." Drew chuckles lifting the syrup out of my hands.

I laugh with him and stab my fork through the fluffy goodness.

Carson on the other hand hates syrup. She didn't put any on her pancakes at all.

"How do you not like syrup?" I ask flabbergasted.

"It's sticky." She shrugs.

You like other things that are sticky.

"I know of something sticky that you like." I say bouncing my eyebrows.

She looks at me confused.

I look at Drew and I can tell he already knows where I'm going by the smirk along his lips.

"I don't like anything sticky." She states.

I giggle and look at Drew who is also chuckle to himself.

"What? What is it?" She asks sounding lost.

Drew stands up and leans down behind her whispering in her ear loud enough for me to hear,

"You like daddy's stick warm cum all over you babygirl." Then he bites her ear and sits back down in his seat.

Even I felt a little hot and bothered, I can't imagine how she feels.

Her face stays pink for a while until Drew changes the topic.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asks looking at me.

I shrug.

I just want them home.

"You still want to go right?" Carson asks.

"Yes definitely. I just...I'm scared." I lower my head.

"It's okay to be afraid. My daddy always tells me that when I'm scared to tell myself that I am strong, I am brave, I am smart, and I can accomplish anything." Carson smiles.

"Accomplish." Drew corrects laughing.

"I don't feel very strong..." I whisper to myself.

Luckily nobody heard me.

The day flies by. I lost track of time while playing with Carson. We colored, played dress up, played doctor, and played with my dolls.

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