Lost And Found

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*James' POV*

We looked everywhere, it's like she just disappeared.

Every day we get a new picture or video, they make me want to rip my eyes out and take her place.

We can tell from the video it's the man we bought her from. I knew something was off about him.

I went to his house and asked his wife if she knows where he is and she said he went on a business trip, I guess that's his alibi.

Bringing me out of my thoughts I file a missing person's report at the police station. This is probably wasting time but, just in case I had to do it.

I go back home and open the door to see Asher on the couch, he's been a mess.

"Where'd you go?" He asked looking up from the tv.

"To file a missing person's report."

"Did you show them the pictures and videos?" He gives me hopeful eyes full of emotion.

"If I give them that then the police will already count her as dead. We have to dig deeper brother, we're missing something. There has to be clues." I say shrugging.

We haven't really been able to sleep. Thoughts of our princess dead or suffering keeps us both up all night.

I go to my office and sit on the chair. Okay, time to wake up.

I slap my cheeks and shake my head to wake up.

There has to be clues in all this. I've only seen her in a cement room. No windows or anything.

Whenever we find this place, we will have to go through the front door. Risky but definitely worth the risk.

No fucking way. I found something. 

The tray that her food was on in this picture. It has something written on it. Its...

It's a name of an abandoned hospital about 5 hours away from here.

She must be in the basement.

I know about this hospital because when I was younger, Asher, Drew, and I all went cliff diving and Drew ended up having to get stitches there.

I wonder why they closed down.

"Asher!" I yell loud enough for him to hear me.

He sluggishly came into my office and looks at me.

"Cheer up buttercup, I know where she might be." I chuckled.

His eyes lit up.

"Well, what are you waiting for, let's fucking go." He runs out the office.

"Asher wait!"

He stops and walks back in with his arms folded.

"We need a plan; we can't go in there blindly."

He rightfully rolls his eyes, I would've too if someone said what I just said.

Hours later we finally come up with a plan. I look outside and see that the sun is already set, and the stars are out.

"If they are expecting someone to come, they'd expect them to come at night." I say thinking out loud.

"No, we have to get her now James. Shes suffering." He says grabbing my shoulders.

"We leave at 3am, by then it'll be light out. We will get her first thing in the morning."

I can tell he doesn't want to wait but it's for the best, if we do this without strategy, they'll kill us all.

I've already given his wife money, on two separate occasions and he still hasn't let her go. Hes completely psycho.

I head off to bed.

I can't sleep, I keep running the plan through my head looking for holes. I can't find any, but my brain just won't stop.

My poor princess has been suffering for a month.

It's sad that he has a family, I hate to take him away from Bria especially. But I can't let him get away with what he's done to her.

She looks done; I can tell she's given up. The pictures and videos of her run through my head. Hes tortured her, starved her, belittled her, and so much more. He even cut the long brown hair she loved to play with.

I look at the clock and its 1am. Two more hours to go. I should sleep so I'm well rested, but I can't.  Excitement and anger is running through me.

I stand up and go to her room. It's just how she left it. Maple is on her bed, toys on the floor, and her unmade bed.

I sit on the bed and sigh. I've missed her so much; I hate that I couldn't protect her. I didn't do what I've promised myself I'd do for the rest of my life.

I wipe a stray tear and walk out of the room.

I head back to my room and look at the clock again. Fuck it's only been ten minutes, really?

Time is going by too slow.

When the clock finally reaches 3am I shoot out of bed and get everything together.

I put clothes on over my bullet proof vest and go downstairs.

I see Asher with the same determined look on his face as I do.

I grab us both apples from the kitchen and walk out to the car. I but the bags in the trunk.

I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and it's another picture of Daisy. There's a knife to her throat and she's not even crying, she wants this...

Hes getting ballsy holding a knife to her throat, but he will get what's coming to him.

We turn on the GPS and drive towards the abandoned building.


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