Gala Plans

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"Hello Daisy, have fun today?" A familiar voice said from behind me.

Who is that?

*Daisy's POV*

Daddy Asher turns around and I'm met with...David...Dylan...Derek...DREW ITS DREW.

What's Drew doing here.

"Hey princess, I know we're on vacation but me and Drew have to do some business while we're here." I look down at my sandy feet. I don't want Drew here. I want it to just be me and my Daddies. Maybe it won't be all that bad.

"Let's get you in the bath angel." Daddy Asher says nudging my shoulder for me to start walking.

I walk towards the bathroom and start undressing. What business can't wait a few days? This is stupid. Daddy James shouldn't have to work on our vacation.

Daddy Asher grabs my hips and pulls me out of my thoughts. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours angel?" He places a kiss on my nose.

I giggle. "Why does daddy James have to work? Can't he just take a few days off?"

"No angel, there's an important business deal going down here and itd be good for the company if the deal was closed in our favor." Daddy Asher says stripping out of his bathing suit.

"Don't worry about it angel, let's just get in the shower, we need to wash that salt water out of your hair really good." He smiles at me.

We walk into the shower, and we get wet all over again, this time in clean water instead of the salty water and this time it's warm and soothing to my seashell nicked skin on my feet. I could stay in here for forever.

I hear the shampoo bottle click open and daddy pours it into his hand and rubs it through my scalp massaging my head. I close my eyes and take in the relaxing feeling. He grabs the detachable shower head and washes out the soap. The warm water rushes off my head.

He grabs a bar of soap and a rag rubbing the soap into it. I turn to face him and look up. Hes baby blue eyes look even more intense in contrast to his sun kissed skin.

He runs the rag along the skin of my back, and I kiss his chest. "Feels good angel?" Daddy asks.

I nod my head feeling my eyes get heavy. He washes the rest of my body, and we get out of the shower.

"Daddy I'm sleepy."  I confess.

"You have to eat first angel. We also have a guest, we can't be rude, can we?" He says playfully tapping my nose. I giggle and let him dress me.

He put a big t shirt over my head, and it fell over my knees. After he got dressed, we went down to the living room with Daddy James and Drew.

I walk up to daddy James and lift my arms making grabby hands. He lifts me up and lays me on his lap.

"Have a good shower princess?" He asks looking at me with love in his eyes. Well, I think its love...I hope its love.

"Yes, daddy it was nice and warm."

"So, James, I was thinking...I think we should attend the gala, it'd be good for business." Drew pleads.

A gala? What's a gala? Can I come?

"Going to the gala means I'd have to get a suit; I didn't think about packing any. As well one for Asher and a dress for Daisy." Daddy James says. I don't like when he calls me by my name...I'm princess to him not Daisy.

"I could help keep an eye out for her you know, you can trust me." Drew says looking at me with a smile.

"You want to go to a party angel?" Daddy Asher asks me.

"A party?" I ask sitting up. "Will it be fun like in the movies?"

Everyone in the room giggled.

"No princess but our friend Drew here and Asher will try to make it fun." Daddy James says looking between them. They both nod at me in agreement.

"Okay will I get a pretty dress?" I ask giving a cheeky smile.

"Of course, princess, any dress you want." Daddy James says to me.

"Dinner is ready master." A maid says bowing as she enters the room. I giggle go myself. I think she's a little too formal.

We all make our way to the kitchen with my legs wrapped around daddy James' waist.

We all sit down and I'm on daddy James' lap.

The cooks made grilled fruit with salmon and... peas. Why'd it have to be peas? Does the world hate me?

I look down at the plate and luckily daddy James put some grilled fruit on the fork bringing it to my mouth. The fruit explodes with flavor, I love fruit.

After swallowing the fruit, he gets some fish. Good, good, no peas yet.

He hovers it over my mouth and I chew it slowly, knowing that when I'm done, he will probably grab some peas. The fish was pink so im thinking it was salmon, I never really eat fish so I'm not sure, but I knew I liked it.

I swallow the fish and now is the moment of truth... daddy grabs the peas. No, no, no please no. No peas.

He hovers the fork over my mouth, and I keep it shut. No peas for me.


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