Dino Nuggets

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Daisy's POV

     We wake up in the afternoon, so it was already lunch time.

I skip down the stairs to see daddy James putting some food on a plate.

It's Dino nuggets!!!

I run to the kitchen chair and smile while I wait.

"Hungry princess?" He chuckles.

Nodding in silence he puts the plate in front of me.

I grab a nugget.

"Rawr!" I play with the nugget.

Daddy James looks at me with amusement.

"Rawr RAWR." I say again before taking a bite of the dinosaur's tail.

"Don't play with your food princess." Daddy James laughed.

I like his laugh.

"Rawr grrrr." I continue to play with it.

His eyes hold onto mine with amusement.

Smiling visibly, I take a big bite.

He lets me play with my Dino nuggets until I'm done with them.

After a while we are in the sunroom and I'm painting a snowman on some paper.

"We have to pack soon." Daddy James says looking at his watch.


"Huh?" I ask tilting my head.

He chuckles.

"You forgot princess? We are going somewhere. We have a surprise for you when we get there too." He smiles.

My mouth drops and excitement runs through my little body.

"Let's go!" I exclaim.

I pull his hand into my room, and I pull out my Lilo and Stitch bag.

"That's a summer bag princess, let's get your winter ones out." Daddy James walks to my closet and pulls out 3 different bags. A frozen bag, a Rudolph bag, and a bag with a bunch of snowflakes.

Taking a moment to think about what bag I want I finally pick out the Rudolph bag.

I poke his bright red nose and daddy James puts the other bags back in the closet.

Before we pack daddy James dresses me in an oversized sweatshirt and leggings.

I flap the sleeves because they go past my hands.

"I'm cute." I flap more.

He smiles.

"The cutest princess." He kisses my cheek.

We pack a couple outfits and without daddy seeing I sneak Maple into my bag.

I know I said I needed space but...I miss her, and she helped me feel better when I was sick.

"Where are we going daddy?" I ask curiously.

"You'll see princess." He boops my nose.

Hey! No boops.

"Wait what about cour-...work?" I slip up.

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

Oh no...

"What?" He walks closer to me.

I suddenly feel extra tiny with his body towering over me.

"I um...I... -" I stutter.

"Who told you?" He sounded angry.

"I'm...I'm sorry daddy...I...pleasedontbemaddaddy." I say as quick as I can.

He picks me up and takes a deep breath.

I feel my butt hit my soft mattress and he kneels in front of me.

"Tell me who told you princess." His eyes search mine.

I can tell he's not trying to scare me. He's rubbing his thumb on my knee seeing how uneasy I am.

"I... ran into a friend at the mall when I was with daddy Asher. The night we watched the scary movie. She told me what happened and how Bria was..." I said feeling a tear roll down. I feel terrible for Bria. But only if she knew what her dad did to me...maybe then she wouldn't hate me if she ever found out what happened.

"I see, everything is okay princess. Asher and I are okay. We are getting everything worked out, we have very, very good lawyers. -" He explained to me.

"They won't make a connection to us, the only thing they have is phone calls we exchanged." He finished.

I nod understanding him.

I throw my hands over his shoulders and hug him.

Please never leave me daddy. I don't know what I'd do without you.

"I love you princess; we will all be okay." He says hugging me back tightly.

We sat hugging in comfortable silence for a while until he pulled away.

"I have to go pack my bags now princess, want to help?" He smiles at me.

I bounce up happily ready to help.

When I say help, I mean I was dancing around his room the whole time as he packed his bags.

He never said anything, he only looked at me a few times and smiled.

He finally finished and he picked me up and swirled me around causing me to laugh.

We started dancing together. It was a bittersweet moment; he was so gentle.

A ring of the phone pulls us out of our trance.


I drown out the conversation and just stare at him. His perfectly placed face and his perfect muscles flexing as he moves his bags to the door of his room.

Before I know it, the phone call ends.

"Checking me out princess?" He smirks.

My cheeks heat up. Dang, he caught me.

I give him my grabby hands and he happily swoops me up with ease and I take control and kiss him.

He is obviously taken by surprise but kisses me back.

His tongue sweeps my bottom lip and I let him in without objection. Our tongues dance together but he wins the dominance war.

I lightly bite his lip and I hear him groan deeply causing my core to thump.

His hands squeeze my butt lightly.

Yes daddy!

The doorbell pulls us out of our moment.

Whoever is at the door...I hate you.

Daddy James can see my frustration and he chuckles to himself.

I walk past him and go down the stairs with him following behind me.

I make it to the front door ready to give whoever this is a piece of my mind.

When I open it, I see daddy Asher holding a big teddy bear in his hands.

My eyes have to be the same size as my fist right now.

I reach out my hands and quickly take the big teddy bear and snuggle up to its warmth.

The cold air from the door being open creeps up my legs.

"Thank you, daddy." I smile at daddy Asher.

"We all ready to go?" He asks smiling.


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