New Beginnings

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Daisy's POV

*A few weeks later*

I awaken to hearing shuffling in my room. I sit up and see daddy James going through my drawers.

"What're you doing?" I ask him confused rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

He stops and makes his way towards my bed.

"Nothing princess, how'd you sleep?" He asks me.

Well... You were definitely doing something.

"I slept good. What're we doing today?" I ask.

He rubs his chin in thought.

"Wanna go to the park?" He smiles knowing dang well I'd say yes.

I nod trying not to get too excited.

"I have someone I want you to meet."

Oh yay. More people.

I usually don't mind people but after everything with Bria's dad... People scare me a little.

"Who daddy?" I ask daddy James.

"Drew met someone, I want you to meet her."

I hope she's nice to me. Some people take one look at me and think I'm... Something. I don't exactly understand why they think what they do but I think I'm a good girl, I'm nice, I'm funny... Sometimes.

"Okay daddy."

Daddy James stands up and gestures his hand for me to follow him.

He gives me a quick bath and he helps me out of the tub, wrapping a towel around me.

He leaves the bathroom for a second and comes back with an outfit.

Oh, it's cute.

He dries me off and puts the clothes on me.

He dries me off and puts the clothes on me

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I feel so pretty in this.

It's a little chilly out so I'm happy I got knee high socks and long sleeves.

I smile widely and look into James' eyes and give him a curtsey.

He chuckles and kisses my head.

"We will go after breakfast." Daddy James grabs my hand, and we go downstairs and sit at the table.

I feel so far away from him...

Placing my feet on the floor I walk back up to him.

"Daddy James?" I whisper slightly embarrassed.

He lifts his head.

I point at his lap and give him my best puppy eyes.

He smiles at me and scoots his chair out slightly.

Wiggling in excitement I climb into his lap and take a slice of buttered toast off his plate.

What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine. I smile thinking to myself.

After we eat, we get our shoes on. I put on my boots that are warm and fluffy on the inside.

We're in the car for about fifteen minutes and we pull up to a huge park that had swings, slides, rock climbing walls, a spinney thing, a small zip line, and so much more. I think I even see a tree house.

I bite my lip and dance in my head. It's definitely a freaking tree house!

"You excited princess?" Daddy James asks.

Well duh.

"Yes daddy, very. Why couldn't daddy Asher come?" I wish he could be here too.

"He's working today princess." He answers.

I take a deep breath. I hate work. Working is stupid.

Pulling daddy James with me I go to the swings.

"Swing with me daddy." I demand sweetly.

He chuckles and gets on the swing next to me.

I kick my feet and try to swing but it isn't working.

Looking over at daddy James I try to copy what he's doing.

I think this stupid swing is broken.

Daddy James stops swinging and gets off.

No, no. Don't leave me.

He comes up behind me and pushes the swing forward.

I gush with laughter as I get higher and higher.

"Now pump your legs like I was doing." He says.

I do as I'm told, and I keep the momentum.


As I'm giggling, I hear a car door shut.

My head snaps over to the sound and for some reason my body follows, I hold on tighter to the chains holding the swing up but it's no use... My butt falls from its seat and I feel myself falling onto the ground.

Just when I thought I was going to die I feel arms wrap around me.

My eyes are squeezed shut and I slept open them to see daddy James already looking at me with shock in his eyes.

"Are you okay princess?" He asks worried.

"Yes daddy... I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"It was an accident princess." He smiles and sets me down.

I look back at the car and I see Drew with a girl walking towards us.

She... She kind of looks like... Me.

She's wearing pink overalls with a grey long sleeve shirt underneath, and she has pig tails in her hair.

I don't mean to stare at her it's just, I've never met anyone around my age that liked the same kind of things I do.

Light freckles frame her eyes and her blond hair bounces as she walks.

As they get closer, I hide myself behind daddy James.

Please be nice.


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