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*Asher's POV*

"Shit." I forgot I was supposed to distract her.

"Daddy that's a-"

"Bad word I know, let's go to the dining room to get some food." I say about to pull her away, but she snatches her hand out of mine.

"Who's that daddy?" She asks me, her face is already red with anger. This isn't good.

"It doesn't matter angel come on." I take her hand and she snatches it from my hold again.

Before I can say anything, she's making her way over to James. Oh, fuck me.

I walk quickly after her and pick her up. A lot of people look at me carrying her out the ballroom.

"Get back to the party people, nothing to see." I say aggravated.

I set her down in the hallway and she starts to make a run for it back into the ballroom, luckily, I catch her before she does, and I pick her back up.

"You're not being a very good girl right now." I say taking her to a vacant room.

She says nothing. What's scarier than a girl who's obviously angry and yelling? A girl who's obviously angry and saying nothing at all.

I set her down on the bed and lock the door keeping us both inside.

She crosses her arms and huffs.

I just look at her, she has every right to be angry, hell I'm angry too.

"Angel, listen to me..." I start but she finishes

"Daddy isn't being a good daddy, who the heck is that and why is he being all lovey dovey with her!" She yells.

I feel my Dom side coming out.

"Fix your tone little one, before I fix it for you." I say raising my voice.

She looks at me and stands up.

"Just admit that he thinks I'm not good or pretty enough for him!" She retorts.

Fuck this

"Strip." I say calmly. My hands are itching to spank her.


"Now!" I say strictly.

She obeys my orders and strips. At least this will keep her distracted.

She throws her dress on the bed and I grab it laying it on a nearby chair.

I look at her and she's still obviously angry, good. She won't be angry for long.

I take off my suit jacket and tie and lay it on top of the dress along with the rest of my clothes.

I see her staring at me but she's still burning with anger.

"Get on the bed and spread your legs. "

*Daisy's POV*

I lay on the bed and spread my legs doing as he says.

He walks towards me and lays on his stomach in front of me.

"Don't make a single noise, do you understand?" His voice is dominating, so sexy.  I nod my head. Why would I make noise?

He dips his head between my legs and my breath hitches. I feel his tongue run over my clit over and over.

I have my hand over my mouth trying my hardest not to moan. It feels amazing.

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