Chapter 4

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*Daisy's POV*

I was making my way back to Bria with a huge smile on my face. Those guys were like gods, and THEY TALKED TO ME, they said they would see me soon. I don't know how but I really hope that's true. I feel oddly safe with them. Safer than I do with Bria.

"Deedee, where have you been? I've been looking for you, are you okay?" She flooded my head with questions.

"I'm okay I just went to find a bucket to get shells" I said pulling the bucket up to my chest. I didn't want her to know about the guys, not yet at least.

Bria grabbed my hand, and we went back to the party.

People started singing happy birthday and after we all ate cake. I freaking love cake.

Now it was time to leave the beach and I looked back while walking to the car, thinking about James and Asher. I can't get them out of my head.

I clutched the bucket tight as we drove home. Bria was looking at me like she wanted to ask where I got the bucket but I'm happy she didn't. I'm not a good liar at all.

We pulled up to the house and I got out stretching my short legs. Walking into the house I took a deep breath. It smelled like home.

I gave everyone a hug and a kiss on the cheek saying thank you for giving me the best birthday ever. Then headed to my room.

I grabbed Maple and kissed her cheek.

"I have to tell you what happened Maple, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." I whispered to her under my bed covers.

"I met two boys at my birthday party, and they were super-duper handsome. They were really nice and even gave me a bucket for all my seashells." I showed maple some of the shells I found, and Maple's favorite was the bluish small sharp one.

I set the bucket on the floor and snuggled up to Maple. Tomorrow is going to be our first day back to school. Its senior year and I've been nervous about it all summer.

The nerves started building up. A tear escaped my eye and I started crying.

I got up with Maple and walked to Bria's room.

I opened the door slowly and started tip towing inside.

I got in her bed with her, and she rolled over with a knowing look on her face.

"You freaked yourself out didn't you DeeDee" Bria said calmly.

With tears slipping down my cheeks I nod my head.

"Is it about school?" Bria asked.

I nod my head again. I don't like to talk when I'm sad. My voice squeaks and it makes me feel stupid.

Bria just hugs me and plays with my hair until I start to feel sleepy.

What if the people there don't like me? I know I'm a little different, but I can be a big girl. I am 18 now and I can do whatever i want.

*ding* my phone went off telling me someone sent me a text message.

Hey princess, I hope you had fun at the beach. Make sure you're in bed and going to sleep.

I had a feeling I knew who it was...the only person that's called me princess my whole life. But how did James get my number?

Is this James?
And as soon as I asked that my phone dropped out of my hand as I finally dosed off into the dream world.


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