The Plan

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Daisy's POV

     I wake up late in the afternoon to Carson lightly shaking my arm.

My eyes flutter open and she gives me a sad smile.

"You should try to eat something...please." She gives me puppy eyes.

I'm not hungry.

I don't want to even think about food but...the sadness in her eyes makes me want to try.

"Okay." I whisper and sit up stretching out my little toes.

"Daddy said I should let you sleep and not wake you up until lunch time. But Gloria made grilled cheese with tomato soup." She licks her lips at the end of her sentence.

"Where's Drew?" I ask.

Did he leave?

"He's in your daddy's office. He said he's researching but if you need him then go see him." She smiles.

I nod.

We get down to the table able Glorias eyes meet mine.

"How about us girls have a spa day today?" Gloria suggests looking at us.

"That sounds like so much fun!" Carson bounces.

"Okay." I say quietly.

Gloria says nothing else, but she stands behind me while I try to eat my grilled cheese and she runs her fingers soothingly through my hair.

"I'm full, can I be done Gloria?" I only take a few bites but I just...I can't.

"Can you at least eat half dear?" She gives me a smile.

I nod and slowly eat more.

By the time I eat half Carson has eaten all her food and she's leaning back rubbing her stomach.

"I gotta food baby." She laughs.

That earns a giggle from me.

But it quickly turns back to numbness.

Gloria leads us to the sunroom, and she pulls out a box full of nail polish and sits it on the couch.

"Okay let's pick a color. Or as many colors as you want." She chuckles at the end.

Carson picks out a deep navy blue and white. I pick out a sparkly pink. Gloria picks out a darker pink.

Gloria paints our fingers and toes then we both paint hers.

Of course, it turned out that ours look a lot better than Glorias, but she smiled and said she loved them anyways.

When they dry, we do face masks. They were so cool! When they dried you got to peel them off your face. It's like a face cast.

Feeling a little better I go to see Drew. He's been in the office all day.

I knock on the door.

"Come in." He says as if he's in a trance.

I tip toe in, and he looks up from the computer.

"Have you found out anything?" I ask.

He smiles.

"I actually did. Would you like to know?" He sounds proud of himself.

"Will it make me feel better?" I ask.

He thinks for a second.

"I think so." He shrugs.

I nod for him to continue.

"Large sums of money went "missing" around the time of all this happened. It went "missing" because they paid Bria's dad and that Nina chicks hospital bills. If I can get into that bank account and withdrawal another large sum of money...I can make it look like someone has been stealing it." He put air quotations around missing.

"What's that going to do?"

"Well. If someone were stealing that money, then they can chalk it up to fraud and turn their eyes on someone else. Probably her husband." He said shrugging.

Her husband?

No, I can't do that to Ivan. He's dead but...he wasn't a bad guy...

"I don't want to frame Ivan." I whisper.

He gets up from his chair and kneels in front of me.

"Daisy. It'd be a closed case. They won't find Ivan so he couldn't be charged." He has a point...

"You promise that it will work." I say hopefully.

"I think it'd work. The chances of it not working are slim." He says confidently.

I take a deep breath.

"Okay." I whisper.

He smiles.

"I just have to figure out the password. You have any ideas on what it could be?"

They never told me anything about passwords.

I shake my head no.

"It's okay. I'll figure it out." He stands back up and gets back on the computer typing away.

I feel a little better knowing this could work. It sucks that Ivan will be framed...I liked him. He was the only person who treated me nicely while I was there.

Making my way to my room I look at the bed that is an utter mess from last night.

My pillow is still soaked, and my blankets are damp.

I throw everything off my bed. With the blankets in my hands, I throw them out my door and into the hallway along with my pillows.

"Daisy? What's going on dear?" Gloria asks.

"They were wet." I sigh.

"Did you have an accident?" She inspects the blankets.

"No, no. I didn't pee the bed. -" I laugh, "I was just really sad last night, and it hasn't dried yet."

She gives me a smile with her eyes full of sympathy.

"I'll go get you some new ones and make your bed." She gives me a tight hug and leaves my room.

After Gloria makes up my bed I sit and start to color in my coloring book.

While coloring I get flash backs of me and my Daddies in this bed.

Tears threaten to escape my eyes feeling the burning pain inside my chest.

I quickly leave the room and go back to the office.

I walk in without knocking and I see Carson snuggling up to Drew in his lap.

He looks at me concerned but I don't say anything.

I sit on the couch in the office and lay down.

I just don't want to be alone.


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