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*Daisy's POV*

I look up to find James and Asher looking at me like they've seen a ghost. Did they just shoot me?

I look down and inspect my body for new wounds and just find fresh blood.

I look at Ivan. No...

They shot Ivan. How will his wife get help now? How will she be able to pay off the hospital bills?

My eyes start to burn, and I grab him.

"Everything will be okay Ivan, you can rest." I whisper in his ear with tears running down my cheeks.

"Princess, get over here. We're leaving. " James says.

My head darts up. You killed the only person here that cared about me.

"No!" they both look at me shocked.

"What do you mean angel?" Asher asks confused. All I want is to run into their arms. But my legs won't let me move away from Ivan.

"You killed Ivan. Maybe many people deserve to die, but Ivan didn't. He wasn't here for himself like the others. He was here to save his wife, and now he can't because you killed him." They looked at each other in shock.

I look back at Ivan and hug his body.

"I'm so sorry." This shouldn't have ever happened to you.

"Grab his phone." James orders.

I did as I was told and dug my hand into his pocket. I grabbed his phone and saw the lock screen.

His lock screen has a picture of his wife. I've never seen her before but she's beautiful.

She doesn't look very sick.

I grab his hand and put his thumb on the phone scanner.

The phone unlocks and I go straight to his gallery.

It's obvious that his lock screen was an older picture. Now she looks pale, she has red blood shot eyes and dark bags under them.

"Please Daddies, we need to help her." I plea.

"Not a chance." Asher rolls his eyes.

"She was going to get help until you killed her only hope!" Maybe if I yell, they will know I'm serious.

"We will think about it, go into his settings on the phone and change his password to none then we will take the phone with us." James says.

I will beg until the day I die for her to get help.

The men here were evil, but not Ivan. Wait, Bria's dad.

As I'm going through his settings I ask

"Where's Bria's dad?"

They look at each other as if they were determining whether to tell me or not.

"We have him, he's coming with us." Asher says.

"What do you mean? He wants me dead and you're bringing him with us???"

"Not exactly, he's going to our basement at the house. Hes never going to hurt you again, but I can't say the same for him." James comments.

Are they going to torture him like he did to me?

I hope so, he deserves it.

I finally stand up with buckling knees from being malnourished and hug them both.

"I'm sorry I'm not pretty anymore." I say looking down at my feet.

"You're still just as perfect as the day I first saw you on the beach princess." James says rubbing my back.

I slightly smile. I don't care how long it took; they are both here now. I'm safe.

We walk to a door and daddy Asher opens it.

The light was blinding me, since when is the sun this bright? I can't see.

I block my eyes with my hands and daddy Asher picks me up.

Once we get in the car, I could safely pull my hands away from my face without being blinded.

Hours later we arrive back at the place I called home before all of this. I wonder if Maple is mad at me. To be fair it was impossible for me to even know I was leaving, yet alone without her.

I still have blood all over me, luckily the windows where tinted because we would've gotten pulled over so fast if other people saw this much blood.

I run to the bathroom and jump into the shower with all my clothes on.

I see the blood washing down my body, and I feel my chest clench.

I start sobbing and I slide my back along the shower wall, sliding down until I'm sitting on the floor. 

The brothers both come in, but they don't say anything. They just take off the shoes their wearing and get in with me.

I'm happy I'm not alone.

After finishing my shower, I put my old clothes on and hang out with Maple. I told her everything and she was in shock.

I would be too if I were to hear it.

"We found out where she lives, we will help her with the debt and the future hospital bills that are to come. " Daddy Asher says smiling at me.

This is great! She can still get help.

Ivan can rest in peace and his wife will be taken care of.

I got my Daddies back and my home back.

The only thing that's still in the way... is Bria's dad.

As I laid my head down into my pillow Brais dad was drawing his last breath. I'm safe now.


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