Chapter 17

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"What's the matter princess?" Daddy James whispers in my ear, tickling my neck.

I feel like this is going to be a long ride.

*Daisy's POV*

"Noth...nothing daddy." I whisper trying to hold back my blush. I'm so weak when it comes to them.

"Nothing?" Daddy Asher whispers back. I shake my head no hoping they won't see my red cheeks.

Daddy James' hands got higher reaching my panties. I swear every time I wear a dress I get touched.

He hooks his fingers into my panties and my breath faulters. Is... he going to touch me?

While daddy James plays with my panties, teasing me, daddy Asher leans over and starts to kiss my neck. I let a moan escape at the feeling of his soft lips on my sweet spot.

"Still nothing princess?" Daddy James asks. I still shake my head no, not wanting to give in.

Daddy James pulls up my legs by my knees placing kisses on my thigh while Daddy Asher is still kissing the sweet spot on my neck. All this sends me into a moaning fit. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"What is it angel?" Daddy Asher asked.

"Please daddies." I say begging for more.

They look at each other then at my pleading eyes.

Daddy James slips my panties to the side exposing my private parts. I go to cover them, but he stops me.

"Don't princess, your pussy is perfect." He leans down and places a kiss on my pussy.

My heart skips a beat and I let out a deep breath. That...felt amazing.

I look at daddy Asher while daddy James is kissing my pussy. His usual baby blue eyes are now darkened with lust. I look down and...

"Daddy, do you have something in your pants?" I asked while moaning.

I hear them both chuckle. What's so funny?

"No angel, the way you're feeling right now...that feeling deep in your stomach." He leans closer and whispers, "is how I'm feeling too."

I look at him shocked. He feels like I do? I feel a wet lick on my pussy, and I moan loud. Oh jeez...that was better than a kiss.

I look up at daddy Asher and he kisses me softly. He slips his tongue in my mouth while I'm moaning into his. I can't help myself daddy James' tongue feels so good on me.

Daddy Asher grabs my hand with his mouth still on mine and slides it down to his private part.

"You want to make daddy feel good angel?" Daddy Asher asks full of lust. I quickly nod my head yes. I want more, I want to touch him and daddy James too.

He unbuckles his belt and slides his pants down.  His dick springs out of his pants. I look at it and my eyes widen. Its can someone be that big? I mean, I've never seen a dick before, but I never imagined it'd be as big as that.

I grab it and look up at him, still moaning from daddy James.

"I'll show you angel." Daddy Asher says softly.

He puts his hand over mine sliding it down, up, down, up, down. As I start to notice the rhythm, I feel a knot in my tummy. It feels like I'm about to explode.

"Daddy, daddy please." I say probably louder than I should have and grab daddy Asher's dick firmly rubbing it faster.

"Good job angel, keep rubbing daddy's cock." Daddy Asher pleads.

Daddy James looks up at me and that just sends me over the edge...I feel the knot in my tummy come undone.

"F... fuck daddy!!!" I scream and a gush creamy liquid busts out of daddy Asher's dick as I'm trembling.

"Good girl princess, you came all over my face." Daddy James smiles at me. His face is all wet and I blush. I look over at daddy Asher and he is holding some tissues wiping up the creamy liquid.

I see my hand has some on it and I look up at daddy James confused.

"That's what cum looks like for boys princess, it's okay." He says kissing my head. Daddy Asher kisses my lips and whispers.

"You did amazing angel, you're a very good girl." I blush even harder from his words.

I look back at James

"Do you want to cum too daddy?" I ask innocently.

"No princess, I can tell you're tired, I can cum some other time." He chuckles.

Hes right, my eyes are heavy. I get pulled up into James' lap. He brushes my hair to the side and whispers.

"You broke a rule though princess." I broke a rule, what freaking rule? They just said I was a good girl and I managed to break a rule within that amount of time?

"No, I didn't daddy." I say crossing my arms looking at daddy James.

"Oh, but you did princess." He says.

"What rule did I break then?" I asked confidently knowing I never broke a stupid rule. Daddy Asher joins the conversation and says,

"You said a bad word angel." Daddy Asher says smirking.

When did i.....ooooooohhhhh DANG IT. I said a bad word when I was cumming. I didn't even realize what i was doing or saying. I feel so embarrassed.  I feel my face heat up and tears threaten to escape my eyes.

"Maybe we should let it slide brother, she was obviously overwhelmed with pleasure and didn't know how amazing it would feel to cum." Daddy Asher says.

"Hmm, I guess we can think about it." Daddy James says looking at me.

I don't want a punishment...or do I? The thought of being punished makes my tummy get butterflies all over again.

My eyes start to close, and I lean back on daddy James.

"Close your eyes princess, I know you're tired." Is all I heard before I fall asleep comfortably in my daddy's arms.


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