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Daisy's POV

     After the move and the delicious food Carson and I go up to my room to play.

"You want to play dress up?" I ask her.

I see her look around curiously.

"No, I just want to take a nap." She says stretching.


"Okay you can lay down in my bed." I tell her smiling.

She quickly jumps into my bed and pulls the blankets on top of her.

I quietly walk out of my room to let her sleep. Next mission, find daddy.

I skip down the hall then down the stairs.

"Not in the living room." I whisper.

Skipping into the sunroom I look around.

"Not in here either..." My eyes start to water. Where's daddy.

I speed walk back upstairs and into daddy James' room.

"Did he leave?" I whisper with a tear running down my cheek.

I sit on the floor and let the tears out.

Why did he leave me? Where did he go? Is he coming back?

My silent tears turn me into a sobbing mess.

"Daddy." I call out to him.

Please come ba-

"Princess? Oh, princess what's wrong?" Daddy James scoops my little body into his arms.

His hands gently wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"What is it princess? Why are you crying?" He softly asks me.

I nuzzle my head into his neck and sniffle.

"I couldn't fi-find you." I say tripping over my words.

He hugs me tighter and walks me into his office.

Maybe I should've checked in here...

He sits in his chair with me on top of him. He's so comfy.

"Is she okay?" I hear Drew ask.

"She's okay, she got upset because she couldn't find me." He responds.

"Poor thing, where's Carson?" He asks.

I feel daddy James look at me.

I lift my head and look at him.

"She's in my bed taking a nap, she was sleepy." I tell them. I lay my head back on daddy James' shoulder and play with the top button on his shirt.

Daddy's hands begin to rub up and down my back.

My eyes begin to feel heavy. No... No sleep.

I lift my head up and kiss his jaw.

Seeing no reaction from him I bite his jaw softly.

His eyes meet mine and without speaking a word his eyes show amusement.

I do it again a little harder.

"Behave princess." Daddy James says with obvious amusement.

I bite my lip. I'm satisfied with his reaction, so I lay my head back down and play with his buttons.

What if I just...

The button pops of his shirt and falls onto the floor.

Oh, I guess that would happen.

"Excuse me Drew, I have to take care of this." Daddy says nonchalantly.

"Wait no, daddy I didn't mean to." I slightly panic.

"You're telling me you didn't mean to grab my button and pull it off?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I shake my head no and he smirks.

His arms hold me up and we walk into his room.

"Daddy I didn't do it." I don't know why I said that... obviously I did it...

"You didn't pull the button off my shirt?" He chuckles.

I stare at him like a deer in headlights.

"Get on the bed princess." He says softly.

I follow his orders and sit on the edge of his bed.

"I'm sorry daddy." I put my head down.

"I'm not mad princess. It's obvious you just want attention." He chuckles while pushing my chest.

My back hits the bed and his hands trail down to my waistband.

My hands cover my privates whenever my bottoms come off.

He smirks at me and flicks my small hands away.

"Don't you ever hide yourself from daddy. You're perfect." He reassures.

My hands suddenly feel like they don't belong on my body, I don't know what to do with them.

His head dips between my legs and his lips kiss my inner thigh which makes my core begin to tighten.

He kisses the opposite thigh, and my panties start to get wet.

"Stay still princess." He whispers as he moves my pink panties to the side exposing my pink privates.

My hands find my face and I cover my eyes.

I hear him chuckle and his fingers spread open my wet folds.

My teeth clench in anticipation.

His lips softly kiss my clit and of course a moan blurts out.

His tongue slowly licks up my core and the sounds we are both making fill up the room.

My moans get gradually louder and his tongue dances on my clit, the butterflies in my tummy are going wild, they're even going up into my chest.

Daddy's finger slips inside me while his tongue is still licking my core and his finger pumps inside me causing my back to arch.

The feeling in my tummy builds more and more.

"Please daddy, don't stop." I borderline beg.

He listens to my plea, and I come undone around his fingers.

Daddy slowly pulls his fingers out of me and puts them in his mouth.

"So, fucking good princess." He breathes out.

A smile plays on my lips as my body twitches.

I see daddy James with a rag, and he gently wipes the excess wetness off of me.

The rag was warm and soft, it was so relaxing.

After he wipes me clean, he gets in bed with me, and I turn to snuggle up to him.

I lay my head on his chest with the comfy blankets around us.

My eyes close as his fingers stroke my hair.

"I love you daddy." I say almost in a whisper as I drift off into a slumber.


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