Chapter 3

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*James POV*

I went to the beach to relax after a stressful day at work. My brother Asher and I have been trying to find a little that we can share.

Work makes it hard to find one, but we've been to multiple places looking and nobody fit the role.

I was walking along the shore, and I saw a girl playing in a horrendous little seashell bikini.

But her smile was contagious, her brown hair was sopping wet, and she had the cutest big brown eyes.

She was running around with a girl that looked like it could've been her sister, but the other girl was black and the little girl I have my eyes on isn't. Both are equally beautiful, but this girl, she's different.

They couldn't possibly be sisters but both equally beautiful. The little one just had something about her though.  Something different, something I already craved.

I made a spot near a party, and it had balloons that said, 'Happy 18th Birthday'. I knew it was for the beautiful baby I can't keep my eyes off of.

I watched her struggle to build a sandcastle with the other girl. It looked like she was having a hard time making it stay up.  I wanted to go over there so bad and help and be the reason the simile was on her face.

A man called for Bria which I now know is her friends name, my little girl was following her but then got distracted by something on the ground.

She started getting further away from her friend and out of view from everyone.  I started getting worried about her. How dare they not pay attention to her! I would've never let her just wander off like that. I called my brother as I made my way towards her.

"Asher, I think I found our little. Shes perfect." I cooed over the phone.

"Where are you? I'll meet up with you to get her." He sounded bored. Once he sees her, he will see how perfect she is. 

"I'm at the beach and bring a bucket or something...she has her hands full of seashells I'm sure she wants to keep." I hung up the phone when I got closer to her.

"Hey little girl" I said catching up to her.

"Oh, umm. Hi" she said blushing. She looked so innocent, so perfect. I saw her in awe checking me out. Not going to lie, knowing she was looking at me like that sent all sorts of scenarios in my head.

"Eyes up here princess." I said.

She quickly looked up at me and my smile grew wider. I learned quickly that she was very submissive. Then her mood changed, she wasn't being her bubbly self and her eyes started to water.

"I'm sorry mister, I can't talk to strangers." She looked down at her feet. I couldn't bear to see the tears in her eyes.

I grabbed her chin to make her look back up at me. "My name is James, now we aren't strangers." I smiled softly seeing the water in her eyes.

She perked up and smiled back. "My name is Daisy."

Daisy, I thought in astonishment. That name fit her perfectly. I hope Asher gets here quick because we don't need someone looking for her.

"Is it your birthday Daisy?" I asked and she nodded her head yes fast and smiled. I knew she was excited to go back to her party. I know I could've thrown her a better one, but I feel like I should let her go back.

"How old are you princess?" When I said that I saw her shiver. She was so responsive without even touching her. She was going to be so much fun to play with.

"I'm 18" she said looking at her feet again. I notice that she's the insecure type. That'll change soon.

"Well happy birthday princess." I whispered in her ear. I'm used to making women shake at my hands but when her knees buckled it made me feel great. Shes going to be a good girl.

"Hey, James!" My brother Asher came up to us. She looked at him in awe too.

Even though my brother and I are twins, we don't look exactly alike.

"Daisy this is my brother Asher." I said with a smirk. She just looked at him and blushed. I know Asher likes it because he's smirking at her as well.

"Nice to meet you angel." he said grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles.

Her eyes grew wide, and her face was as red as a tomato. It was adorable.

"Hi Asher." She said in an innocent voice that made my pants tight. Asher looked at me and nodded his head. Agreeing that she's the one.

Asher pulled out a bucket that has a tracking device in it. Now she can keep all her shells and we will know where she lives.

"Here angel, my brother called me and said it looked like you may have needed a bucket." Her eyes brightened up and she put all the shells her little hands could carry.

"Thank you, mister." She said sweetly.

"Go back to your party princess, we will see each other again soon." I smiled.

She nodded and started walking towards her party. 

"She's definitely ours brother." Asher said.  I agreed as we made our way back to our house.

I have to make arrangements for her arrival. It won't be long until she's with us.


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