Hot Tub

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Daisy's POV

     I sit there uncomfortable with my bra poking into my ribs. Stupid boobies.

"Is dinner planned?" I hear daddy Asher speaking to someone.

Walking towards his voice I hide behind the wall so I can listen without being seen.

"Yes sir, it's all planned, and everything will be done on time." A lady's voice appears. She sounds nervous.

I start to hear footsteps.

I get into position to jump out at him.

As soon as I hear his footsteps get closer, I jump on him.

"Boo!" I yell.

Only it seemed to amuse him other than scare him.

Dang it. My perfect plan. I sigh.

"Are you a scary monster angel?" Daddy Asher teases.

I cross my arms.

"Apparently not." I pout.

He chuckles and hugs me tightly. His warmth automatically cheers me up within seconds. I can't stay mad at him.

Daddy Asher sits me on the couch, and he puts Frosty the Snowman on for me.

Looking around the room I finally notice how nicely decorated it is. There's a certain warmth to this room and I love it. I especially love the big Christmas tree in the corner of the room.

A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts.

I stand up and walk towards it, as soon as I laid my hand on the doorknob daddy Asher smacks my hand away.

Hey! Rude!

"Little girls don't answer the door." He reminds me.

I patiently wait for him to open it and when he does, I stand there in shock.

"Carson!" I yell excited.

"I missed you Daisy!" She hugged me tightly.

We both ran into the house and started swinging each other around in circles.

"Daisy, come say hi to Drew." Daddy Asher laughs.

I run back up to him.

"Hi Drew." I say out of breath.

"Well, hi Daisy, I'm happy to see you. I hope you liked your surprise." He smiles at me.

I give him a quick hug.

"Thank you Drew I do; I really like my surprise."

I used to not like Drew that much. I found him a little creepy and untrustworthy. But now...hes pretty cool. He seems like a good daddy to Carson too.

Carson and I go back to the living room and finish watching Frosty the Snowman.

"I really like your hair." Carson comments.

"Oh, thank you! I really like it too." I smile and twirl my hair between my fingers.

I wish Gloria could come everywhere with us. My daddies tell me she's just a homebody and she prefers to watch over the house and deep clean while we are gone. I miss her when we're gone.

Ever since everything happened with Bria's dad, Gloria has been more involved with me. She's like another mom. When I first came home, she reminded me how pretty I was every day, and she'd always sneak me cookies in the middle of the night when both my daddies were asleep. She stopped whenever daddy James caught me munching on one in the middle of the night, if only I were sneakier.

"You girls want to get in the hot tub?" Daddy James asks walking into the room.

Me and Carson look at each other then back at him.

We then both make a dash towards our rooms to put on our bathing suits.

Wait, where's the hot tub? I haven't seen one.

I throw on the only bathing suit daddy James packed for me.

I throw on the only bathing suit daddy James packed for me

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It was really stretchy and comfortable.

I ran out of my room and saw Carson in a blue one piece that had her butt hanging out.

I reached out and jokingly pinched her booty.

"Heeey!" She laughs.

"You gots a cute little booty." I laugh along with her.

We lock our arms and walk around the house until we find our daddies in a huge room that has a really big hot tub.

Daddy James is wearing red bottoms and daddy Asher is wearing black ones. Both of their muscles are just out there for the world to see. Along with the lickable v-line they both have. They look delicious. Am I drooling?

I quickly touch my mouth and realize I'm not drooling. Thank goodness.

Drew is a little chunkier than my daddies, he does have muscles though...nothing like my daddies.

Carson runs to Drew while I walk up to my daddies that are both watching me walk up to them.

I feel like I'm in slow motion.

Once I make it to them, they both grab a hand and help me into the hot tub following behind me.

I sit in between them.

The water is so warm it relaxes all of my muscles.

I feel daddy James' eyes on me, so I scoot closer to him.

I notice Carson and Drew kissing.

The way he is holding her chin up with his fingers and slipping his tongue in her mouth is very noticeable...a little cringe but, I can't look away.

His hands travel down her chin to her waist as he pulls her close to him. She swings one leg over his lap as their tongues fight for dominance.

I look at both my daddies and they both are wearing a smirk on their faces.

Daddy James leans down and whispers into my ear,

"You like watching princess?" He asks seductively.

Huh? I mean...I don't know... Do I?

I'm at a loss for words but I know my face reddened.

Daddy Asher's hand touches the top of my thigh, rubbing small circles into my skin.

I look back up at Carson and Drew and she's now on top of him, not having sex but she's grinding on him. Her small body grinds against his special place.

"It's okay to like it princess, if they didn't want you to watch they wouldn't be doing it in front of you." Daddy James whispers again.

I... think I do like it.


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