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I didn't realize how sore I was until now. Ouch.

"You want me to carry you princess?"

"Yes, please daddy."

*Daisy's POV*

Daddy James picks me up softly bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You did very good princess." He whispers in my ear. I smile while he's looking down on me.

"Daddy I- I love you." I say so quietly I'm surprised he heard me.

He smiled.

"I love you too princess."

We walk into the bathroom, and he sits me on the counter. I watch him as he turns on the bath water. I see the muscles in his back flex as he reaches for the bubbles and pours it in the bath.

He picks me up and gently sets me in the bath with him sitting behind me.

He slowly washes me, and I relax laying against his chest.

I end up somehow falling asleep sometime during that and I woke up in my bed the next morning.

I sit up in bed and stretch my arms.

I lay my feet on the fluffy rug that's in front of my bed and I walk towards the door.

"Hey angel." Daddy Asher says walking out of his room at the same time, shirtless.

I run up and hug him.

"Up daddy."

He chuckles and picks me up.

"We're leaving today angel, after we eat breakfast what do you want to do for a couple hours?"

"Can we play in the ocean daddy?"

He smiles and nods his head.

We eat a breakfast of bacon and eggs with toast. I gobble it all up quickly. I'm too excited to eat slow, I want to swim!

I go get my bathing suit on which is a cute yellow one piece with flowers and ruffles on the straps of the shoulders.

"Daddies I'm ready!" I yell

I see them both at the back door already ready to go.

I run out the door onto the white sand.

The warm sun and sand between my toes. This is the best.

We play in the ocean for about 2 hours and then daddy James says that it's time we get going.

We all put on our regular boring clothes and get in the car.

We all still smell like sunscreen and salt water; I don't mind because I love beachy smells.

My stomach growls. I didn't even realize I was hungry.

"What are you in the mood for princess?" Daddy James asks.

As I sit there thinking about it daddy Asher speaks up,

"How about Vals Diner?" He says cockily winking at me.

"How about no." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"They have good food angel." Daddy Asher chuckles.

"Then you go and me and daddy James will get chicken nuggets at McDonalds." I say crossing my arms. I'm not going back to that diner.

"Nah I rather eat what my angel wants." He winks at me again.

Good, no hoes for Daddies.

We stop at McDonalds and they both get a burger and I get the nuggets. As we sit there eating inside the McDonalds, I wonder...why don't they have the indoor playgrounds anymore? Those were so much fun. Stupid adults with stupid logic.

We finish our food and get back into the limo. I'm starting to get sleepy, so I lay my head on daddy Asher's lap. It should be illegal for someone to be this comfortable.

I wake up in my bed. We're already back at the mansion? How long was I asleep for? What the heck...

I look next to me and see Maple. I grab her and tell her all about the beach and what happened at Vals Diner, the gala, that basement.
I shudder remembering the basement. I bite my lip and smile.

I hug her in my arms and walk out my door. I look around for my Daddies. I accidentally walk into Gloria bumping her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ms. Gloria, I didn't see you."

"Oh, that's okay dear, how was the beach?" She asks smiling.

"It was so much fun!"

We are interrupted by footsteps.

"Wanna come to the office with me today princess?" Daddy James asks. I quickly nod my head and jump in his arms.

We ate breakfast and got dressed.

We get to the office, and I see Drew.

"Hey Drew!" I say running up to him.

"Hey there Daisy, what are you doing here?" He asks

"I came to work with James and Asher." I shrug

He smiles and gives me a hug.

"got to go Daisy; it was nice seeing you. I'll see you again soon." He says walking away.

Just as I was about to walk into the bathroom a bag was put over my head and a hand around my mouth.

I was picked up and thrown in what I assume was a trunk.

I try to scream for help, but I'm met with the sound of a car trunk closing.

No...no, no, no.


Daisy's DaddiesWhere stories live. Discover now