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Daisy's POV

     We walk into the dining room, and it smells wonderful. I think I'm for real drooling this time.

Once again, I quickly check and luckily, I did because this time I was in fact drooling.

I look at the table and what I saw made my mouth salivate even more.

A whole turkey with some green ball things, I don't know what they are, but they smell kind of funny, bread rolls, mashed potatoes, and stuffed pumpkins

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A whole turkey with some green ball things, I don't know what they are, but they smell kind of funny, bread rolls, mashed potatoes, and stuffed pumpkins. There was also cranberry sauce but ew, that's yucky.

I happily sat down, and my Daddies are next to me leaving me in the middle.

Hearing the only footsteps that are left I look down at my lap.

Drew and Carson sit across from us.

"Hi Daisy." Carson said happily.

I look up with a pink face.

"Hi Carson." I smile to hide my embarrassment.

She happily kicks her feet under the table.

Our daddies fix our plates first and when daddy James sets my plate down, I want to dig in immediately.

But I wait, I want to be a good girl.

When everyone gets their food, I finally pick up my fork and dip it into the buttery mashed potatoes.

I moan at the warm buttery goodness in my mouth and daddy Asher chuckles.

I poke around on my plate, and I see those funny smelling green balls.

"Daddy James, what are these?"

"Brussel sprouts princess." He smiles.

"Bussel spouts?" I try to copy what he says.

The whole table laughs.

"Brussel sprouts silly goose!" Carson laughs.

I giggle at her correction and stab my fork through it.

Bringing it to my mouth I open my lips and bite half of it.

Oh...oh no.

I look at daddy Asher and he gives me a quizzical look.

I quickly grab his hand and just as I was about to spit the horrid green ball into his hand, he snatched it away.

"Just eat one angel, no spitting it out." He used his daddy voice.

Shrinking in my chair I continue to chew it. I regret ever putting it in my mouth.

Finally, I'm able to swallow and before doing anything else I gulp down my water.

I'm NEVER eating these green smelly balls of horror ever again!

As dinner continues on everything else tastes delicious.

Daisy's DaddiesWhere stories live. Discover now