Chapter 14

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*Daisy's POV*

I run out of the school, and I see my Daddies car in the parking lot. I run over to it and open the door to only see Asher.

"Hey angel, how was school?" He asks.

"It was good daddy, how was your day?" I asked sweetly.

"It was good angel. Were you a good girl?" He looks at me. I nod my head yes and he smiles.

"I knew you would've been a good girl. That's why we're going to get ice cream."

"Ice cream!" I yell in excitement.

"Inside voices angel." Daddy smiled at me. "Come sit in the front with me, James is still at work, so it'll just be us." He winked.  I blushed and got into the front seat.

We started driving in comfortable silence. He places his hand on my thigh and moves his thumb in tiny circles. I bite my lip when his hand travels higher on my thigh. It feels so good that I feel my insides start to pool.

I look at him and he's just looking at the road not even paying attention to me. I take the time to check him out.  His sharp jawline and sexy pink lips. His eyes are bright blue and shaggy black hair that I want to rub my hands through.

"Why don't you and daddy James look alike?" The question escaped my lips.

"Sometimes twins don't look alike angel, but we do have some similarities." He said smirking at me. Now I notice the similarities, they have the same nose and lips. I smile thinking about them.

"Like your lips." I say giggling with a wide smile.

"Yes angel, like our lips." He says smiling back at me.

"Do you like our lips angel?" He asks seductively. My face flushes and I look at my thumbs.

"I know your hands are very interesting angel but I'm talking to you, so you need to look at me." He says smirking. I look up at him blushing.

"Answer my question angel."

"C... can you repeat the question daddy?" I asked nervously. I swear I was paying attention, but I got so flustered that I forgot.

"Do you like my lips?" he says slowly. The car stops in the parking lot of an ice cream place.

I blush with him looking at me.
"Y... yes daddy, I like them a lot." I say blushing harder.

"I think you would like them more if they were touching you." He says getting closer to me squeezing my thigh gently.

I watch his face get closer to mine and I close my eyes.

His lips softly pressed against mine.  I was taken aback by his gentleness. I found myself kissing him back.  His hand went from my thigh to my cheek. His tongue licked my bottom lip, I gasped, and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I was making out with Daddy Asher in a parking lot!! I felt his teeth grab my lip and gently pull it. My legs felt like puddy as he pulled away from the kiss.

"How about some ice cream angel, you've been a very good girl." He says stepping out the car. I nodded breathlessly still thinking about his lips on mine. He was totally different from the time at the dinner table when I didn't eat my peas. I liked both sides of him though, both sides make my privates beat.

I stepped out the car and took daddy Asher's hand.

We walked into the ice cream shop and look at all the flavors.

I see banana, chocolate, double chocolate, triple chocolate fudge, mint chocolate chip, birthday cake, vanilla, strawberry, wild berry, rocky road, butter pecan, pumpkin, peanut butter, and so many more to choose from.

"What would you like angel?" Daddy says looking down at me.

I point to the birthday cake flavor.

"Can I get a medium birthday cake cup and a rocky road cone." Daddy says talking to the man behind the counter. I'm happy that daddy ordered for me. The only other person that's done that for me was Bria...I have to text her today. I don't want to lose my best friend.

We wait for our ice cream to get done and then the bell dings signaling that our order is ready. Daddy gets the ice cream, and we find a table next to a window.

I take a spoon and get a big scoop of ice cream. Daddy is looking at me with humor in his eyes. What's so funny?

I take a bite and my head starts pounding.

"Ahhh, daddy!" I whisper yell. I hear him chuckle and come to my side of the table.

"Brain freeze angel?" Daddy says chuckling at my pain. I nod my head yes still in pain and what he did shocked me.

He put his finger in my mouth and immediately the pain starts to subside. It was warm against my freezing mouth, and it felt amazing. Finally, the pain went away, and I open my mouth for him to take his finger out. He smirks at me and walks back to his seat.

"Thank you, daddy." I say looking around at the few people looking at us.

"Take smaller bites angel." He says eating his cone.

I get nervous at all the eyes on us as they are still staring.

"Don't worry about them angel. The world is very mean and judgmental, especially to people as perfect as you." He says winking at me.

His words make me feel a bit better and I continue eating my ice cream making sure I take smaller bites. Although his finger in my mouth made my insides melt, I don't want people staring at me anymore.

We finished our ice cream and we walked back out to the car.

"Don't you think daddy James would want some ice cream?" I ask looking up at him.

"You want to get him some angel? He'd probably love it coming from you." He smiled at me.

I basically pushed daddy back in the ice cream shop with him laughing.

I pointed to the butter pecan ice cream. I think daddy James would it butter pecan. He seems like a butter pecan type of guy.

We got the ice cream and headed back to the car once again.

"Thank you, daddy Asher, for giving me ice cream." I say batting my eyelashes.

"You're very welcome angel, now let's get home." He says buckling me in.

My eyes feel heavy on the ride home and I doze off into an evening nap.


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