Gala Shopping

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*Daisy's POV*

I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the beach. I love this, the calming tones the ocean omits at night and the playful ones they omit during the day. It's beautiful.

I sit up but I'm stopped by an arm pulling me down. I look down and see daddy James. I smile to myself and lay back down.

"Daddy it's time to wake up." I say poking his cheek.

"It's time when I say its time."

We lay there for about 10 minutes then he sits up.

"Breakfast, shower, then shopping." He whispers more to himself than to me.

He stood up and I noticed he's only in his boxers. I look down and I feel him pick me up. I wrap my legs around him and lay my head on the shoulder of his warm skin.

We sit down at the table, and we have waffles and fruit in front of us. As daddy James feeds me I'm looking around the room for daddy Asher.

"Where's daddy Asher?" I ask looking up at daddy James.

"I don't know princess, maybe in the shower?" I get down off his lap to look for him.

"Where you going princess?" Daddy James asks.

"I just have to pee daddy; I'll be right back." I don't really have to pee. I just want to find daddy Asher.

I look around and I find his room door. I quietly open it and close it behind me. I look around and I don't see him anywhere. I see the bathroom door cracked open and I walk closer to it hearing a deep moan.

Is daddy in there with a girl?

I peek slightly through the crack, and I see him with his head back rubbing a rock-hard dick in his hand. My knees buckle as I watch.

This is kind of sexy, watching him pump it without him knowing I'm watching. I feel my pussy get wet as he moans more. How can one man be so hot.

He starts to rub faster and pick up the speed.

I see white creamy liquid shoot out of him and hit the shower wall in front of him. Breathing heavy he washes the rest off of him.

I see him open the shower door and I panic. No, no, no, don't see me. I didn't see anything.

I run under the bed and put my hand over my mouth.

He walks into the room and goes to his dresser pulling out clothes and sets them on the bed I'm hiding under.

I see him drop the white towel on the floor and he slides on his boxers then pants. Thank God he didn't fin-


I scream as he grabs my ankles and drags me out from under the bed.

"You watching me angel?" He asks holding my waist. I feel my face flush. Oh no.

"No, I jus...just got here." I say stuttering over my words.

"Why are you blushing angel?" He leans down with his minty breath caressing my lips.

"I unm, I'm not blushing daddy I here." No Daisy, that was stupid.

"Why were you under my bed?" He smiles finding fault in my words.

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