Chapter 15

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*Daisy's POV*

I woke up to the car stopping softly and I stretched my arms.

We walked into the house, and I ran up to daddy James' office.

I knocked on the door and heard daddy say to come in.

I walked up to him with the ice cream in my hands and he smiled sweetly at me.

"What's that princess?" He asked looking at the ice cream.

"A present for you daddy." I say with a big smile.

He took it from my hands and grabbed a spoon out of his drawer. Why does he have a random spoon in his desk? Who keeps a lone spoon with them? I giggled to myself as daddy James took a bite.

"Thank you, princess, it's delicious." He says pinching my cheek. I'm really happy daddy likes the ice cream.

I walk out of the room leaving daddy to his ice cream.

I walk to the front door where I left my bag and grabbed Maple. I promised her a tea party and gosh dang it she's going to get one.

I walk into the kitchen knowing I would find Gloria.

"Ms. Gloria?" I asked politely.

"Yes dear?" She says putting down the rag she was wiping down the counters with.

"C... can you make me some hot tea please? And bring some cookies to my room. I really wanted to have a tea party. " I ask shyly.

"Of course, little one, I'll have everything set up in about 10 minutes." She says smiling at me. Her smiles put me at ease, I don't feel judgement from her at all.

I walk into the game room to find Asher playing a video game. It looks scary, their guns and hes shooting people.

"Daddy why are you hurting them?" I ask with worry in my voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry angel, I didn't hear you come in. Don't worry it's just a game so they don't feel a thing." He says ignoring his game to look back at me.

"They are bad people?" I ask confused.

"I only shoot the bad ones." He says. Suddenly I hear a gun shot and daddy's body falls in the game.

"Shit" he says annoyed.

"Daddy...that's a bad word" I say crossing my arms. He stands up and walks towards me.

"I can say bad words angel, I'm daddy." He says smirking at me. I shrink as he gets closer. His 6'4 body compared to my 5'2 body makes me feel tiny.

I look at my feet and his fingers lift my chin. He stares deep into my eyes and my knees buckle.

"Daisy my dear, you're all set up." I hear Gloria say.

I run out the room leaving daddy Asher and go into my room.

I set Maple on the chair opposite to me, and I pour her some tea.

"Maple, I have so much to tell you."

I tell Maple everything that's happened today. I giggled when I talked about what happened between me and daddy in the car.

I munch on some cookies and pull out my phone. I dial a number and put it to my ear.


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