Double Trouble

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*Daisy's POV*

The car ride home was silent. All that could be heard was a random car horn every now and then.

We arrive back at the beach house, and we all step out the car. We get inside the house and daddy James and daddy Asher both go through a door that's almost hidden within the kitchen.

I pull out my phone and text Bria.

Me: Hey Bria, how're things? How's mom and dad?

Bria: Hey DeeDee. Things have been better. They've been fighting a lot. Luckily Laruen has let me hangout at her house.

Me: you and her are friends?  I've never seen them hangout before but then again...I'm not really there and I haven't really been to school since it started.

Bria: yeah! Shes really cool. We both miss you DeeDee. When are you coming back?

Me: I think in a couple days. I'm in California.

Bria: California??? Why are you there?

Me: James and Asher wanted me to be at the beach before it got too cold out.  They've been taking really good care of me.

Bria: I'm happy to hear that. We need to hangout when you get back home. I really miss you DeeDee.

Me: I miss you too Bria♡♡

I put my phone on my bedside table and I get another text.

Daddy James: put the outfit we got you on your bed on and come down to the basement

Oh no... are they going to kill me?

I see the bag on my bed that I've been avoiding since I walked in here texting Bria. I look inside

Is this lingerie?

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Is this lingerie?

I try it on and look at myself in the mirror. Wow... the blue makes my skin look soft and the outfit in general is so cute!

Is the basement through the door they went through when they got home?

I make my way out of my room making sure no maids see me, which was a difficult task because they are freaking everywhere. I find the door and I open it slowly.

I walk down the stairs and I see a huge bed, their whips, paddles, vibrators, ropes, gags, and hand cuffs. Whoa...

I walk down further, and I see both my Daddies. Both of them look at me and simultaneously their eyes darkened with lust.

"Get on the bed." Daddy James says darkly.

I sit on the bed and daddy Asher walks over pushing me back. I squeak at the sudden force of being pushed back and I look at them.

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