Chapter 13

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*Daisy's POV*

We pulled up to the school and I'm a little late. Nobody is outside and the only other place they could be is in class.

I step out the car giving both my Daddies a kiss on the cheek and make my way towards the office.

I step into the building and almost slip on the slippery floor. I giggle to myself as I caught myself before I fell.

I make it halfway to the office and then I'm pulled into someone hugging me.

"Deedee where have you been!?" Bria asked crushing me.

"I'm sorry." I said looking down at my feet. "I just been getting comfortable at my new house." She looks at Maple in my arms.

"I thought you weren't going to bring Maple to school anymore." I look down at the stuffed koi fish in my arms. I know I said I wouldn't because I want to be a big girl...but i have so much to tell her. I didnt want to be alone today.

"Do you need a late pass?" Bria asked putting Maple in my bag. I nodded.

"Come on, I'll walk with you and then to class." We started walking and I reminisced of the old times. Bria always walked me to class and would leave hers if I needed her.

We walked in the office to a nice lady with short blond hair and glasses sitting at the desk.

"Good morning Mrs. Fulker. This is Daisy and she needs a late pass to her first period class." Bria told the lady who's name I now know is Mrs. Fulker.

She smiles at me. "Your reason for being late my dear?"

"I... I ummm" I started stuttering then Bria cut in.

"She just missed the bus this morning." She said as she squeezed my hand. I hate that I have a hard time talking to strangers. Luckily Bria has always helped me through these situations.

Mrs. Fulker handed me my late pass and Bria walked me to my classroom.

"If you need me remember to text me okay DeeDee?" She looks at me with a serious face. I nodded and gave her a hug.

I walked into the room, and everyone was too busy focusing on the work in front of them than to pay attention to me. Thank God.

I handed the teacher my late pass and went to sit in my seat.

"Where have you been miss thang?" Lauren nudged me. OMG LAUREN.

"Hi Lauren, I moved so I took a couple days off to get comfy." I forgot about my new friend. I'm already being a bad friend. I mentally kick myself.

"Well, I missed you." She said pretending to cry. I laughed.

"Next time I will tell you when I'm not coming to school, deal?" I said with my hand out. She shook it


I worked on this assignment for what felt like hours. I miss my Daddies and wonder what they are doing.

The bell rang pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Second period here we come." Lauren says grabbing my hand. I giggle as she pulls me through the halls and then we make it to the door. I'm panting out of breath while she's giggling at my struggle.

"Running is a bitch huh?" She says in a funny tone.

"That's a bad word Lauren." I say to her.

"Well get used to it miss thang. I cuss a lot."

"But bad words are bad." I say confused.

She rolled her eyes and walked in the room.

We sat in our seats as class began.

I sighed wishing school was already over.  Why did school have to last so long? I start getting antsy.

"Stop moving so much." Lauren whisper yelled.

"How much longer?" I asked with a pout.

"About 5 more minutes and then we go to lunch, we can do it. I believe in you." She giggled.

I kept my eyes on the clock and finally the bell rang for lunch.

Lauren and I made our way to the cafeteria, and I found a seat next to Bria as Lauren went in the lunch line.

"They packed your lunch?" Bria asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"No Gloria packed it." I say biting into the peanut butter and jelly.

"Who's Gloria?" She asked confused.

"Oh, that's their maid. They have more but I think she's like...the head maid." I say taking another bite.

"So, you got a new wardrobe and got people cooking for you, can I move in too?" She laughed. I giggled at her comment. I love Bria but...those are my daddies... and Bria can't have them.

We continued eating lunch when Lauren came and sat next to me. We enjoyed our food in silence.

I packed up my leftovers back in my lunch box and waiting for Bria and Lauren to get done eating.

"Daisy give me your phone." Lauren says. I pull it out and hand it to her curiously.  Why did she need my phone?

"Here I put my number in it, next time you don't show up at school, tell me." I smiled and took my phone back. I forgot that I didn't have her number.  Without it, it would've been hard to tell her I wasn't going to show up at school.

The 3rd period bell rang, and we all stood up. Bria and Lauren both walked me to the classroom, Bria gave me a hug then went off to her class while Lauren stayed with me. I'm lucky to have Lauren in all my classes. Having a friend in every class means I'm not alone.

We sit at our desks, and I open my bag. Maple decides to make her grand appearance in front of the whole class. I hear people laugh and whisper. My face starts to heat up and tears threaten to leave my eyes. Please don't make fun of me.

"Yo who's laughing at my stuffed animal? I'm holding it for my little sister who has cancer you jerks." Lauren speaks up. I look at her shocked but grateful she took the heat off me.

"Your sister has cancer?" I asked sadly. Cancer is scary.

"I don't have a sister." She says crossing her arms.

"T... then who has cancer?" I question.

She giggles. "I made it up miss thang. I wouldn't bring that thing back with you tomorrow." She says looking at my bag. I nod my head agree. She saved me this time but next time I might not be so lucky.

The rest of the class went by quick, and the bell rang, just one more class to go. My feet were dragging along to floor and Lauren was getting impatient.

"Come on we're going to be late." She says groaning in torment.

I giggle and pick up my feet.

We make it to the last class and sat down.

I stare at the clock my whole class which somehow made one minute last an hour. How does it do that? It's like magic.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang. 



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