Chapter 10

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After all the rules we all sat at the table for dinner. I finally got my own seat I loved sitting on daddy James' lap, but I felt like a big girl sitting in my own chair.

The plate in front of me had grilled chicken, peas and rice. Grilled chicken isn't as good as chicken nuggets, but the way Ms. Gloria made it made my mouth water. I ate everything on my plate except the peas then pushed my plate forward signaling I was done.

"Eat your peas angel." Asher said with a stern voice.

I craved to hear more of daddy Asher's dominating voice.

"But I don't like peas." I said crossing my arms.

"I didn't ask if you like them angel, i told you to eat them."

I didn't budge. I don't like them, so I won't eat them. They are mushy and yucky.

"Princess you were told to eat your peas." James said while he ate his chicken. Nope.  Not going to happen.

"Angel I'll bend you over my knee right here right now and spank that perfect little ass of yours." Asher said smugly. Almost as if he didn't really want me to eat my peas.

"Please daddy, I don't like them." I gave daddy Asher my puppy eyes.

He groaned. "Last time I'll tell you angel, eat your peas." He said not giving in.

I contemplated on eating them. I know if I do eat them then it'll be yucky. But If I don't eat them...I get a spanking. I've never been spanked before, but I imagine it doesn't feel good.

"Okay have it your way angel." Asher pulled his chair out. "Over my knee now." He said smirking. Is it bad that I was kind of excited?

I got up and started making my way towards him. Daddy James set down his fork and started watching with lust in his eyes. I got closer to him and laid across his legs with my boobs smushing against his leg. I didn't have enormous boobs or anything, I have a C cup that I'm very happy with.

Daddy Asher then pulled down my panties. I mentally curse myself for wearing a dress and giving him easy access to just pull them down. He looked at my round booty for a minute and started rubbing it.

"Your ass is delicious angel." He said caressing my butt. That made the butterfly feeling in my tummy come back. His hands on my butt made me feel like there was wetness between my legs again.

"I want you to count angel." He said still rubbing my butt. I nodded and he begun.


" daddy" I said as he laid his hand on me. The sting of the spank hurt, and my eyes started to water up.


"Two daddy" tears start running down my cheeks.


"Three daddy." I say knowing my butt is red.

Smack, smack

He spanks me 2 more times on each cheek. "Four and five daddy." I say biting back my tears.

Daddy James stands up and walks over placing his hand on my red butt. He starts to rub it. His hands make the soreness feel a little better then he leans down and kisses it. I let out a quiet moan.

"Let's get you in the bath princess." James says with a smirk on his face. I nod my head and daddy Asher pulls up my panties.

"I'll be in a cold shower brother." Daddy Asher says looking at James. James chuckles and picks me up.

"After this I might need one too." Daddy James says as we start to leave the kitchen.

I was just spanked for the first time...and I liked it despite the tears, and the stinging pain. It made me feel like a bad girl in a good way. The way daddy rubbed my butt made me feel so good. I felt my tummy clench when his hands touched me. Bringing me out of my thoughts Daddy James speaks up.

"I'm going to set you on the bed while I run you a bubble bath princess. " He sets me carefully on the bed and kisses the top of my head. I see Maple and I grab her.

"Maple I just got spanked, and I think I liked it. Is that weird? It made the inner parts of my legs wet and my tummy tighten but it stung a little." I whispered in Maple's ear.

"Come on princess." Daddy says smirking. Why is he smirking? I got up and made my way over to him.

He slid off my dress and he took a deep breath.

"Come on princess I'll wash you and your hair then we can get into bed." He says setting me into the water.

The bath felt amazing, it was warm and there were so many bubbles.  I grab some bubbles and put them on my face to make it look like a beard.  I looked over at daddy and he chuckled.

"Your beard looks cute princess." Daddy James says laughing. His laugh was sexy. I felt proud of myself for being able to make him laugh. 

He grabbed a loofah and put some soap on it. He scrubbed my back as I kept playing with the bubbles. He started to scrub my shoulders and kept going lower until he made his way to my chest. My nipples hardened at contact, and I heard him groan. The groan was seductive, and it made my tummy clench again.

He washed my chest staring at my nipples and went down to my stomach. Him washing me felt so good. He started to get lower until he reached my private parts.

When he started to wash me down there, I felt something I never felt before. I let out a soft moan and he looked at me smirking.

"Something you want to say princess?" He asks huskily. I bit my lip and shake my head no.

As he finished washing me, he told me to stand up as he helped me out of the bath so I wouldn't slip. He wrapped a towel around me, and we walked into my room to see daddy Asher on my bed.

"How was your bath angel?"  He asked. I had flash backs of daddy James using a loofah to wash me down there, and how good it felt. My face heated up and I bit my lip.

"G... good daddy." I say trying to sound like nothing happened.

He just smirked probably seeing right through me and daddy James took off my towel.

He grabbed a night gown that had 'My Little Mermaid' on it and my eyes lit up.

"I love that movie!" I say jumping because I'm excited. I heard them both groan.

"Stop bouncing princess, or we won't be able to control what happens next." Daddy James gives me a serious look. Then I realized I'm still naked and I blush. I try to cover my naked body and Daddy James puts the night gown over my head.

"How about we go to bed now, yes?" Daddy James says with a smile. I nod my head and jump in.

They both tuck me in and say goodnight kissing my forehead.

I close my eyes. For some reason I keep thinking about what happened in the bath. It made me feel so good. I wonder if I can feel that feeling again. I lift up my night gown and slip my hand under my panties. I touch around not feeling anything that I felt when I was with daddy. I started to get discouraged until I felt a bump that sent shock waves through my body. It's this spot! This is where it felt good. I kept touching it and I started to rub.

I don't understand why it's so wet but maybe it's because I didn't dry off good enough before getting in bed. A moan escapes my lips as I felt pleasure run through my body. I notice my moans getting louder when I started rubbing the bump faster.

Then I heard footsteps.


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