My Friend

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*Daisy's POV*

I think I'm dying. Maybe not physically, but mentally I'm dead.

I just let whatever happens happen, I don't try to fight anything anymore.

"Daisy, it's time for a shower." Ivan says grabbing my arm.

I get to take showers about once every 4 days.

I stand up with my knees almost giving out on me. I feel like I look like a baby deer that's learning how to walk.

Ivan wraps his arm around mine and locks our elbows.

"Please don't fall." He says leading me to the showers.

When we get there, he turns everything on, and we wait for the shower to get warm.

"You can do this right?" Ivan asks worried.

I nod my head yes and he gives me a sad smile.

"I'll be right outside the door if you need me." He says leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Hes been the only decent person here. If it weren't for the circumstances, I'd like him and be his friend. Hes only doing this because his wife, Nina, is very, very sick.

I know James and Asher would've given him even more money, but I guess Bria's dad found him first.

I peel off my clothes that are crusted up with blood and step into the shower. I miss taking baths.

I wash the blood off my face and out of my hair. I haven't seen myself because their no mirrors here, not even in this bathroom.

But my cheek is throbbing. I know I have a gash in the spot that keeps burning with the water running over it.

When I'm done, I grab a scratchy towel and wrap it around myself.

I look down and see all the bruises and welts in my skin.

I poke at some of the bruises and wince at the pain.

I do everything they say, and they still beat me.

I reach up and touch my head. My once long hair is now short and patchy.

Tears brim my eyes. I'm happy I can't see myself because I know I don't look like myself, I probably look half dead.

I put on the grey t-shirt and sweatpants that were laid out for me. I put the shirt slowly over my head, my bones hurt so bad.

After pulling up the sweatpants I open the door and see Ivan waiting for me.

I give him a sad smile and give him a hug.

"I know you're not a bad guy, I know you're just doing this for your wife and you're the only person that hasn't hurt me. You've been the only one caring if I eat and the only one who cares enough to at least talk to me." He looks at me kind of bewildered.

"I'm happy you understand Daisy, I just hope those brothers will pay whatever needs to be paid so you don't have to be here anymore. You're a sweet girl Daisy, you don't deserve this." He says kissing the top of my head.

Why haven't the brothers paid anything yet? I know they definitely have the money. Maybe they just don't care anymore.

We both head back to my room and he helps me sit on the floor then grabs my blanket and lays it on my lap.

I slightly smile at the warmth of the blanket.

I feel myself fall asleep.

I wake up a couple hours later to a loud noise. I can't make out what the noise was but then I heard it again.

It was a loud banging noise.

I walk up to the door and try to listen through it.

I hear incoherent yelling and what I now recognize as gun shots.

They're going to kill me, this is it.

I see the doorknob wiggle and quickly back up before I'm hit in the face.

The door slams open and its Ivan. He looks worried.

He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.

He runs out of the room holding onto me.

"You're going to be okay Daisy." Ivan says.  I hear the panic in his voice. What's going on?

We go into a room I've never seen before, it's similar to the one I was in before with the concrete floor and walls, but this room had a bed, lights, and a window. The window wasn't big, it was a tiny rectangular window at the very top of the wall.

I see a small amount of light shining through the window. Its daytime! It's been so long since I've seen any amount of sun.

Ivan sets me on the floor next to the bed.

"Get under the bed, if anyone comes in here don't say a word." He says.

"Wait Ivan!" He faces me.

"Please don't leave me...I'm scared." I admit to him.

He pulls me up into a hug.

"I'm trying to protect you Daisy." He says looking in my eyes.

Before I could say anything, the door keeping us safe in the room is busted down.

I saw two guns point at us and one of them goes off.

I see the blood all over myself and the floor. My ears are ringing, and my heart is beating fast.

What just happened?


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