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Daisy's POV

I hear daddy James and Drew greet each other and daddy pulls me out from behind him.

"This is Daisy." He smiles at the girl.

Don't smile at her...

"Hi Daisy, my name is Carson." She engulfs me in a hug before I have time to object. I might as well hug her back.

Drew helped my daddy's get rid of Bria's dad... Bria hasn't talked to me since then but, I'm happy...I miss her sometimes but maybe this is for the best.

Drew tells us to go play and she runs to the rock walks.

My daddy nudges me to follow her, so I do.

I want to like her. Why am I being like this?

I take a deep breath and smile at her climbing up the wall.

Friends are good, maybe she will be my best friend.

"I like your overalls." I tell her.

She hops down from the wall with a big smile.

"Thank you so much! My daddy picked them out."

She's a lot like me.

"Wanna climb with me?" Carson asks.

I'm kind of scared to climb but I'll try it.

After a few trials and errors, I made it to the top with Carson.

"Daddies look at us!" I yell excited.

They both look up at us a little panicked. Why?

Daddy James gets to the rock wall with Drew.

"Princess you're too little for that. Come down." He says reaching for me.

I slowly climb down with Carson giggling in the process.

I wrap my arms and legs around my daddy and kiss his cheek.

"Don't scare daddy like that princess." Daddy James pleads.

I nod and hug him tighter.

I didn't mean to scare him, I thought he would be proud of me.

"Can we play on that thingy daddy?" I point to the wooden board that has handles on it.

"Do you know what that is princess?" Daddy James asks with a smirk.

"" I'm trying to think but a word isn't coming into mind.

"Oh, I know! I know!" I look over at Carson.

Daddy James raises his eyebrows telling her to go on.

"It's a seesaw." She says smugly.

I giggle. Oh yeah, that's what it is.

"If you two be careful you can play on it." Drew kisses Carsons cheek.

We both nod in excitement, and they set us down.

We run to the seesaw and we both slightly struggle to get on it, but we finally got on somehow.

"What's your favorite color?" Carson asks.


"I think I like all colors. I used to have a favorite, but I don't think I have one anymore." I respond.

"But brown is a yucky color." She scrunches her nose and giggles.

"Nuh uh. It's a homey color, it's comfortable and warm." I giggle back.

"Brown is warm?" She asks confused.

"Yeah, I think so." I shrug with a smile.

"What's your daddy like?" She asks another question.

"I actually have two." I smile.

Her eyes look at me and she raises an eyebrow.

"Two would be crazy." She laughs.

"They're both really nice. A while ago...someone took me, and he was very mean to me-" I lift my sleeve and show her a burn scar on my arm "he was someone I used to trust so it messed up my brain a little bit. But both of my daddies saved me, they protect me, and they show me love." I smile thinking about them.

"Oh no Daisy...I'm sorry. I can help protect you too." She puts her hands on her hips like a superhero.

I giggle. Shes really nice.

"What's your daddy like? I mean I know Drew, but I didn't know he was a daddy." I ask her.

"He's the bestest, my mom was always really busy, I think she's a lawyer? I don't know for sure because we don't really talk. But my babysitter didn't want to take care of me mom has been gone for a long long time so she was with me for a long, long time. I met my daddy when I was walking, I fell, and my leg was bleeding, so he helped me." She smiled.

Aww he's sweet. I'm happy he was there for her.

"Can we be best friends?" I ask her shyly. I bite my lip as she looks at me in shock.

"Yes!!!" She yells in happiness.

We jump off the seesaw and hug each other. She's slightly taller than me but still not even close to being as tall as our daddies.

"Do you girls want to get lunch?" Drew asks.

"Yes." We say in unison and laugh.

We go to McDonald's because that's what we wanted; our daddies tried to talk us into going somewhere else, but we wanted our chicken nuggets.

We go back to the house and we both run inside ahead of our daddies and into the living room.

"Wanna watch Lilo and Stitch?" I ask hoping she will say yes.

She nods and pops a French fry in her mouth.

I take the disk out and look around the tv.

Where does this go?

I try putting it in the side of the tv but it's not going in.

I furrow my eyebrows and pout.

"Need help princess?" Daddy James asks looking at me through the doorway.

I nod in defeat, and he takes the disk from my hand.

He turns on a box and slides the disk in.

Freaking magic.

"Thank you, daddy." I say sweetly batting my eyes.

He smirks at me and runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Be a good girl and eat your food." He looks into my eyes.

I nod slightly in a trance and sit next to Carson.

I bite into my chicken nugget and I'm in pure Bliss.

"Whoever created chicken nuggets, I love you." I joke.


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