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Asher's POV

The look on our poor angel's face when we were being taken away killed me.

Her poor little body was shaking in fear, and I wanted nothing more than to just hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

The ride to the police station was short. But you could cut the tension with a knife.

Two officers escort us into separate rooms.

Oh great, an interrogation.

I've been waiting here for 45 damn minutes.

Who the fuck is this Nina bitch? What the fuck could she have on us? Drew and his crew cleaned the place spotless. I don't understand.

I hope Daisy is okay. She's probably scared shitless.

While I'm mentally beating myself up an investigator walks into the room.

"Good afternoon. I'm detective Kullen Henry."

Wow a man with two first names. How quirky of you.

"Do you know your rights sir?" He asks.

I nod for him to continue.

"I'm sorry sir I need an audible answer." He says.

"I know my rights Henry." I cross my arms.

He takes a breath.

"I've spoken a little to your brother. It seems as if, you two have quite a bit of money." He inquires.

"What of it?" I say sternly.

"Enough money to, oh i don't know...pay off a lot of debt."

"What are you talking about? I don't have any debt." My anger increases.

Don't let him see you angry. They can use it against me.

"Do you know anyone of the name Nina Velasquez?" He asks.


"No, I don't."

"I'm having a hard time believing that. You see, the week her husband went missing exactly 100585 dollars was put into her bank account, and it came from yours and your brothers private account." He drags it on.

What the fuck is he talking about?

James' POV

Kullen Henry left my room about 10 minutes ago. I can only assume he's talking to my brother.

I kept my mouth shut, hopefully he does the same. The only thing I told him was I've never met this Nina bitch.

I have no idea how they can connect us to anything.

They've been trying to connect us to the murders for a while now.

In any other situation I would feel terrible for how many people died. But in this situation...they all had to especially the piece of shit who organized the whole thing.

The detective noticed that a lot of money from our joint account was taken out multiple times.

This is true, we paid the prick multiple times to let Daisy go.


Fuck please be okay princess.

A knock at the door disrupts my thoughts.

I'm being put in handcuffs once again and taken out of this room and thrown into a cell.

This is bullshit.

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