It Hurts

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Daisy's POV


The words play over and over in my head.

No this can't be happening.

"Your honor in the case of Asher, we find the defendant- guilty."

My vision goes dark, and my legs give out on me.

I wake up to bright lights and the smell of bleach.

"Daddy she's awake!" Carson yells.

Her yelling made the pounding in my head noticeable.

"Daisy, how're you feeling." He speeds walks to my hospital bed.

"Please...please tell me it was a dream...please Drew...tell me it wasn't real." I beg him.

Please just lie to me if you have to.

"Daisy...I'll work something out. I promise you." He holds my shoulders.

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

My mind is spinning out of control.

"Drew please...get my daddies out." I sob out. My chest is on fire and my shoulders shake.

All Drew does is hugs me.

Carson climbs on the bed and joins in.

When they get off me, I try to get up and leave but Drews hand stops me.

"You hit your head pretty hard. Wait until the doctor discharges you and then we will go home." He says softly.

We wait an hour for the doctor to come back into the room and he wanted to observe me for at least 3 hours.

The 3 hours seem to take forever but finally he discharges me.

When we get home, I go straight to my room.

I just want to be alone.

"Daisy?" Carson calls out through the door.

I love her but I can't talk to anyone right now.

"Can I please be alone for a little bit Carson?" I say trying to stay strong until she walks away.

"Oh, okay yeah. Just call out if you need anything okay?"

I don't say anything back because I know if I open my mouth words wouldn't form and a scream of heart break will come out in its place.

I hear her little feet walk away and I totally just let loose.

My eyes at this point feel like I'm crying blood, my chest feels like it's going to cave in on itself, I literally feel my heart shattering.

Drews POV

   Carson comes down the stairs with tears streaming down her face.

I walk up to her and kneel to wipe the tears falling from her eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask.

"She's breaking daddy...I can hear it in her voice." She cries harder.

This kills me...

"It's going to be okay babygirl. Look at me" I tilt her head up with my finger under her chin "give her some time, daddy will fix this okay." I hug her tighter.

"I just need time." I whisper to myself.

I pick my baby up in my arms and slowly sway her until she falls asleep.

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