Beach Day

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*Daisy's POV*

Stepping back into the limo I stumbled and hit my leg on the cold metal frame.

"OUUUCH!" I yell with tears running down my face. Both my Daddies run up to me.

"Aww princess I know that hurt its okay." Daddy James mummers soothing my hair. "It's okay princess." He says kissing my forehead.

Asher gets on his knee and slightly lifts up my dress. I barely notice through my tears. It hurts so bad.

Daddy Asher then places a soft kiss on my leg. I look at him with tears still threatening to escape.

He places another slow kiss on it, and I force a smile with it still hurting.

"Feeling better angel?" Daddy Asher asks. I nod my head yes knowing it a lie. It's the thought that counts right? I giggle to myself.

"Let's get going princess." Daddy James says bringing me in the limo.

I sit quietly on his lap with my arms around his neck. I like being in his arms, I feel like nothing can hurt me...well except that stupid door.

"Where are we daddy?" I ask looking at Asher.

"Arizona angel." Wow Arizona. I look out the window and look all around.

"It's pretty here." I whisper to myself.

"That's because you're in a car, with AC. If you were out there youd think differently." Daddy James says chuckling.

"It's hot?" I questioned

"Like a desert."

I never been to a desert. I know at nighttime it can get cold; I prefer the cold. It means I get snuggles and warm hugs.

"Lay down angel, we will be there in a couple hours." Daddy Asher says leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"Your turn daddy" I look at daddy James.

He laughs. "Of course, princess." He kisses my other cheek. I smile and lay down. I can't wait to be at the beach again.

*A few hours later*

"Wake up princess were here." Daddy James says rubbing my arm. I slowly open my eyes. My nose is hit with the smell of salty water.

I sit up and step out the car.

Wow. The beach house is beautiful...

I immediately get excited and do a happy dance

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I immediately get excited and do a happy dance. I hear both of them laughing but I don't care I'm too excited.

"Come on angel let's go inside and put our bathing suits on." Daddy Asher laughs. I grab his hand and practically pull him into the house. What I see is beautiful.

First walking into the house you're met with a big, beautiful painting of the beach the house is in front of. We walk into the living room and there's a big tv on the wall with a long light grey couch with a glass coffee table in front of it.

We walk our way into my room and its yellow and pink, it has just as many toys as my other room and it has a king size bed which is slightly bigger from my queen at the other house.

"Strip angel, let's get our bathing suits on." Daddy Asher says winking at me.

I bite my lip and take off my shirt.

Daddy Asher takes a few steps towards me.

"Bite that lip again, and I'll give you a reason to bite it." He says seductively.

My face heats up and I finish undressing. He looks at my body up and down and I see his dick start to get hard. I know my face just got redder from remembering what happened in the limo.

He grabs my bottoms and I step in then the same with my top. He lifts up his shirt with his lickable abs on display for my eyes only. He then fully undresses, I quickly look down then back up. I like looking at it, but he doesn't need to know that.

I see him smirk. "It's okay to look angel, I won't bite. Well maybe I will but it'll feel good." I know my face is as red as a tomato now.

He slips on his trunks, and we make our way to the front door.

"You coming brother?" Daddy Asher asks daddy James.

" I have to make some calls, go ahead and take her to play."

Daddy Asher nods his head. Why can't daddy James just not do it. The beach is way more fun than work.

We go down to the beach grabbing a bucket and shovel at our private gate.

"Daddy can we look for shells?" I ask looking up at him with my hands blocking the bright sun.

"Whatever you'd like angel." He answered smiling. I remember we first met at my 18th birthday at the beach. I never would've thought I'd fall in love with them.

Wait... did I say love? Yeah...I kind of think I did...I think I love them.

After playing for a couple hours, it started to get dark, so we made our way back to the house.

"Daddy my legs are tired." I started pouting.

"Oh, we can't have that can we?" He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. For being so muscular he sure is comfy.

We walk in the front door and daddy Asher kicks off his shoes. I wasn't wearing any, so I just kept my legs around his waist.

"Hello Daisy, have fun today?" A familiar voice said from behind me.

Who is that?


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