Breakfast In Bed

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Drews POV

     I type in random passwords for hours and still come up on the short end of the stick.

My eyes wander to a sleeping Carson in my lap then to Daisy who's sleeping on the couch.

I know she came in here because she was upset. Her and I haven't ever spent this much time together and I've never seen her this vulnerable.

Then it hit me.

"Daisy." I whisper yell trying not to wake up Carson.

She stirs but doesn't wake up.

"Daisyyy." I say a little louder.

Her big brown eyes flutter open and she looks at me.

"When is your birthday?" That's the only thing I haven't tried. I tried both their birthdays, their mothers name and birthday, their fathers name and birthday, even their dog they had when they were little.

"June 5th." She says rubbing her eyes.

I quickly type in her birthday.

"I got it..."

"I got it!"

"Daisy I got it!" I jump up scaring Carson half to death.

Her eyes light up and a smile meets her lips.

The biggest smile I've seen in a long time.

Daisy runs over to me and sits on the knee Carson isn't sitting on and looks at the computer.

"What do we do now?" She asks scanning the screen.

"I have to withdraw a large amount of money." I tell her.

The brothers have millions saved up...I have to take at least 2 million out for it to seem suspicious.

"Get in the car girls, we're going a few hours away so bring some books and toys."

I have to go to an ATM, one that's a couple cities over.

They both use the bathroom and get in the car buckling themselves.

Looking through the review mirror I see Daisy still smiling.

Please...don't let her lose that hope.

I start to drive, and I don't have a particular direction in mind.

"Let's play a game." I state smiling, knowing they'll like it.

"What game daddy?" Carson asks.

"Whenever a turn comes, you two take turns telling me left, right, or straight."

"That sounds like so much fun!" Carson puts her hands on her cheeks.

"Okay, first one." I smile.

"Right!" Carson gets increasingly more excited.

We do this for a while until I see that we are 5 cities over.

This should be far enough.

"Now let's look for an ATM."

We look out the windows, it's a very run down town. The darkness swallows some of the buildings.

"Does that gas station have an ATM?" Daisy points to one of the only lit up buildings.

"Let's see."

I turn left and pull into a parking spot.

"Let's go in and you girls can pick out a few snacks for on the way back." They quickly unbuckle themselves and get out the car.

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