Chapter 7

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*Daisy's POV*

After school I finally looked at my phone to read what James said.

He said that he's coming over to talk to my parents. Why though? I thought he would want to see me. I sighed and met up with Bria.

"Hey DeeDee, what's wrong?" Bria looked at me nervously ready to beat someone up.

"I just want to go home, I'm sleepy." Luckily, she let that slide, but I felt like she knew that wasn't the truth.

We pulled up in the small driveway and there was another car there, a really nice one. I don't know cars that good, but I liked it a lot. I walked up to the car to get a closer look.

"Like the car angel?" Asher whispered behind my ear. My knees buckled at his voice. It was perfectly deep, and his breath tickled my neck.

"Y... yes I think it's pretty." I said not looking at him knowing I'm blushing.

He turned me around in one swift movement and looked at me with his intense blue eyes.

"We can go for a ride after my brother talks to your parents." I started getting excited. The car was a Matt black color with red accents. I wanted to see the inside, but the windows were too dark.

"Daisy sweetie, go pack up your stuff. You'll be going with James and Asher for a couple days." Bria's mom came out the door. I looked at her confused. Did I do something wrong? Does she not love me anymore?

"You can come back whenever you want. If you want to come home all you have to do is tell brothers." She said sensing my uneasiness.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I didn't understand why I had to go. I mean...I really like them. They make me feel ways that I've never felt before.

"No, no sweetie, of course not. I love you and you know that. But this will be a good opportunity for you. I think they will take very good care of you." Bria's mom took me into a hug. I looked up and smiled at her. Shes taken care of me since I was little, and I don't always understand what she does, but she's never hurt me before. I trust her.

I walk into the house and go up to my room. I grabbed my suitcase that had My Little Pony on it and opened it up. I grabbed Maple off my bed.

"Remember those boys I was telling you about? I whispered to Maple so nobody could hear.

"We're going to live with them now!" I said gleaming with happiness. I don't know why I was so excited but knowing I could see them every day gave me a weird feeling in my tummy, but it was a good, weird feeling.

I started putting some of my toys and my favorite dresses that Bria would dress me in. BRIA? Where is she? I have to tell her.

I rushed out my room and into hers. I busted into the door and found Bria crying.

"Bria? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"My parents are just letting you go...they said that the brothers paid them a lot of money to have you stay with them. I can't fucking believe they took it." Bria said with anger in her eyes.

"Bria, that's a bad word." I said looking down at my feet.

"It's not all bad though Bria. I think I will like them." I said with a smile.

"DeeDee, if they hurt you. I will kill them. Just give me the word and I'll have their heads. Do you understand me?" She said grabbing my shoulders.

I nodded my head yes and she embraced me into a long hug. I'm definitely going to miss living with my best friend. Wait...they paid money for me to live with them? How much? I started getting angry. I'm not something someone could just buy!

I walked out the door and down the stairs. I found James and Asher sitting with my parents.

"How much money was it?" I looked at my "mom".

"Enough to help us out dear." Bria's dad said. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"Am I just not good enough?" I asked with tears running down my cheeks.

Asher looked at James and then they walked up to me.

"Princess you're more than enough, don't cry." James said wiping my tears.

"We only gave them money to show them that we can take care of you, we have more than enough at our house. You'll have everything you've ever wanted." Asher said quietly. I looked up at them.

"They will give you things that we wouldn't ever be able to provide for you sweetie, my husband and I work so much, and Bria will be going to college next year." Bria's mom said from the couch.

"C... can I still come to visit?" I asked looking at the brothers.

"Whenever you want." The bothers said in unison.

I walked over to the people who've raised me since I was 8 and I gave them a hug. Maybe this was for the best.

I saw a woman with really pretty hazel eyes and dark hair with grey strands running through it. She was holding my suitcase.

"Hello, my dear, my name is Gloria. I packed up some stuff for you." She said smiling sweetly at me. "Here it looks like you would want to take this." She pulled out Maple from behind her back.

I quickly took Maple mentally hitting myself for almost forgetting her.

I gave my parents 1 last hug and then I saw Bria walking out the house.

"I'll miss you DeeDee." Bria said hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and squeezed her as hard as my little arms could. I know she wasn't happy but... I oddly was. I was excited to see the brothers every day.

She let me go and James helped me into the car. "Ready for the ride princess?" James said buckling me in. I nodded my head yes with a nervous smile and Asher got in the driver's seat while James got into the other side sitting next to me.

We started driving and I saw Asher looking at me through the mirror with a smirk. I looked down at my hands and started to blush.

"Blushing already princess?" James said whispering in my ear.

"" I said stuttering. James licked his lips and kisses my cheek. My face grew hotter, and I bit my lip.

I heard a groan coming from Asher as his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel. "Don't bite your lip angel." He said lowly. It gave me a feeling between my legs that I've never felt before. My privates were aching.

We sat in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence. My eyes started to feel heavy, and I felt myself start to drift off. I felt my head rest on something hard but comfy at the same time.

I drifted off into darkness.


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