Chapter 9

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*Daisy's POV*

He slid the papers over with the first paper labeled as 'Rules'.


1. Always address us as Daddy or sir.
2. No bad words.
3. No touching private parts without permission.
4. Eat what daddies tell you to eat.
5. No hurting yourself. If you want to then come talk to one of your daddies.
6. Clean up your messes.
7. No talking back. Daddies only want what's best for you.

"Any questions about the rules princess?" James asked me.

"So, you're my daddies?" I asked blushing.

James said yes and kissed my cheek. I felt myself get excited but swallowed it down so I wouldn't wiggle in his lap.

"I don't touch my private parts anyways." I admit.

"You don't touch yourself angel?" Daddy Asher asks with wide eyes. Shock maybe.

I slowly shake my head.

"We are going to show you what it feels like princess." James whispered in my ear. I got chills running down my spine. I've never been touched or even touched myself there. But Bria told me that my private place was for someone I love and trust.

I squeezed my legs together feeling wetness down there and James pulled over another paper that said 'Rewards'.


1. Candy
2. A date with one or both daddies
3. Sex
4. Beach time
5. New toy
6. Shopping
7. A play date with a friend

I looked at number 3 with wide eyes.

"W... we will h..have sex?" I looked up at my daddies and they both chuckled.

"Of course, princess. You're ours." James said still smiling.

"I...i... I umm..." I kept stuttering while blushing.

"We know angel, we will teach you everything. We won't do anything that you're not ready for." Asher said calmly. It made me feel better that he said that. I nodded my head.

"When will we have sex?" I blurted out. I hid my face with my hands. Why the heck did I say that? I'm so embarrassed.

James and Asher both laughed. They had sexy laughs and I wanted to hear more but, I felt like they were laughing at me, and I didn't like that. My eyes started to water, and they stopped.

"Don't cry princess, we can have sex whenever and wherever." James said as he stopped laughing. I'm still embarrassed as James pulled the last paper over labeled as 'punishments'.


1. Spankings
2. No candy or snacks
3. Early bedtime
4. Time out
5. No toys
6. No cumming
7. No sex
8. No tv time

I looked over the punishments and was confused.

I looked at daddy James curiously.

"What's cumming?"

James looked at me with shock in his eyes then they grew dark with lust.

"Soon we will show you what it is." James said looking at me.

"It's one of the best feelings in the world angel." Asher added.

I looked at my hands and agreed to all the papers. They looked at each other smiling.

"We finally have our little." James said hugging me.


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