Stomach Bug

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James POV

     I wake up to a strange sound. I reach my arms out and feel the cold sheets where Daisy is supposed to be.

Shooting up out of bed I walk towards the noises coming from the bathroom.

"Aww princess." My eyes give her a soft look.

She's hanging over the toilet heaving.

"Daddy I don't feel good." She starts to cry.

Quickly I sit behind her and find a hair tie under the sink.

"It's okay baby girl, let it out. Daddy will take care of you." I sooth putting her hair up.

Her face is pale, and her body is shaking. My poor princess.

After an hour of rubbing her back while she's throwing up, she's finally calmed down. She hasn't puked in about 15 minutes, so I think it's safe to move her somewhere more comfortable.

I pick her up bridal style while she nuzzles her head into my neck.

"Is everything okay brother?" Asher whispers rubbing his eyes.

"She's sick, she was just throwing up for I don't know how long." I sigh.

His eyes shoot from me to her.

"Poor angel." He kisses her head.

"I'm going to lay her on the couch can you grab Maple?" I ask him.

He nods and I make my way downstairs with Daisy in my arms.

I wonder what's gotten her sick, was it the scary movie? No... how can a movie make someone this sick? Maybe it was all the candy.

I lay her down gently on the couch and she cries out in her sleep.

"Shhh, it's okay princess, daddy will be right back. Daddy Asher is getting you Maple and I'm getting you a bucket and some blankets so you're comfortable." I say softly.

My feet quickly take me into the kitchen, and I find Gloria. She's awake?

"Gloria, is everything okay?" I ask.

She looks at me like she's seen a ghost.

"Oh yes sir. I always wake up this early. Are you okay? It's 4am." She asks looking at the clock on the stove.

"Daisy is sick, she's been throwing up for a while. I just wanted to get her a bucket." I give her a weak smile.

"Oh dear, of course. Here-" she hands me a bucket. "I'll make her some hot tea as well; honey always helps soothe the stomach." She gives me a smile.

"Thank you, Gloria," I'm so grateful for her. Some people may only see her as a maid but she's family. She's always so kind and caring.

With a puke bucket in hand, I walk back into the living room, and I see Asher is already there placing Maple in Daisy's arms. How did he do that without waking her?

I place the bucket on the floor directly in front of her in case she can't make it to the bathroom in time.

"I'm going to go get some blankets, Gloria is making her tea." I let Asher know as he sits down with her feet on top of his lap.

Again, how did she not wake up? Princess must be a heavy sleeper. I laugh to myself.

I rummage through the closets looking for some blankets and I finally found some.

I walk back to the sick baby on my couch and place the fluffiest blanket I could find on top of her.

"Daddy..." She cries.

"What is it princess?" I rub her arm.

"Owww daddy my skin hurts." She swipes my hand away.

"Okay princess okay. I'm sorry." I want to touch her...I want to hold her and snuggle her. But I won't be selfish.

I look up and see Gloria with the tea.

"C'mon pretty girl, let's sit up and drink some hot tea." Gloria says helping Daisy sit up as she was struggling. My poor princess is so weak right now.

When she sits up Asher holds one of her hands while she holds the tea with her free hand.

I sit next to Asher and sigh.

"I think we should have her checked out by a doctor." I whisper to Asher.

He nods his head in agreement knowing if Daisy knew what we were talking about she would protest.

I put SpongeBob on the tv for her and pull the blankets up to my shoulders.

She looks content at the moment, so I close my eyes.

We wake up around 9am. I'm happy she was able to sleep some more.

She's holding her stomach and groaning.

"You still feel sick angel?" Asher asks. She nods her head.

I kiss the top of her head. "The bucket is right here if you can't make it to the bathroom." I say softly.

She nods looking at my abs.

I smile and laugh to myself. Even when she's sick she's thinking about naughty things.

I leave her with Asher while I call the doctor to come check on her.

"I'd like to make an appointment. Her name is Daisy. She was throwing up a lot last night and she's still not feeling good. Yeah. Whatever time works best for you. Mmhmm. Okay, thank you." I hang up the phone.

The doctor will be here at 11:30.

I text the information to Asher not wanting to risk Daisy knowing.

She needs to know though, right? Fuck I don't want to tell her. My head falls back, and I take a deep breath.

Going back to my princess I kneel in front of her.

"Princess-" she looks up at me with doe eyes and pale skin. "I have a doctor that's coming to see you so you can get better." I try not to make her sad.

Her big-eyed water but she seems to understand. Her arms lift up around my neck as she gives me a hug.

"I'm sorry I'm sick daddies." She looks at both of us.

"No angel don't be sorry." Asher kisses her small foot.

"We aren't mad at you princess." I lift her chin to look at me.

"We have to get dressed real quick princess." I tell her and she lays back down. Her head turns back towards SpongeBob that's still on tv.

Asher and I go upstairs to change.

"What do you think happened?" He asks me.

"I don't know, maybe too much candy." I shrug.

Asher looks at me with serious eyes.

"Brother what if it's something else."

I think about what it could be.

"We've done it many times and condoms aren't 100% effective..." He trails.



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