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*Daisy's POV*

I can't believe this...I... I

I start to hyperventilate, why is this happening. Are they going to hurt me? Why me...

I feel the car make a hard turn and my head hits something hard. It hurt so bad; I start to see colorful dots. Before I know it, I'm out like a light.

After some time, I start to wake up by being lifted over a shoulder. My head hurts too much to fight it.

I hear a door closed behind us and I'm thrown to the ground.

The bag is lifted off my head, but I don't recognize who this man is. My head is pounding.

" head, it was hit really hard and it's killing me." He looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Daisy, I didn't mean to hurt you. Let me go get the doctor." He says walking out the room.

Okay so he somewhat cares about me. How does he know my name? I've never even seen him before, but he knows me. How?

I touch where the pain is in my head, and I feel a bump. I imagine myself looking like those old cartoons when someone gets hit in the head a huge bump forms.

I wince at the light of the door opening.

"Hello Daisy, I heard you hit your head. Mind if I take a look?" The doctor walks in with the guy who took me.

"A... are you go...going to hurt me?" I ask terrified stuttering over my words.

"Me personally, no. I'm here to help you." He says kneeling down to my height.

I let him inspect my head with no objection. I just want the pain gone.

"Your skull is just fine; you just have a knot under your skin and its bruised. It'll go away in a couple days. Here take this." The doctor hands me a pill and I look up at him. I don't know with this pill is...what if its poison?

"It's a pain pill Daisy. Take it, it'll help you." He says reassuring me.

I look at the pill...I can't take the pain but...I don't want to take this, I'm too scared.

I throw the pill on the ground and cry. I rather be in pain than be dead.

I hear the doctor sigh and stand up.

He says something to the guy who took me, but I couldn't hear, tears were streaming down my face, and I know I just look amazing right now.

"I'm Ivan." The guy says. I've never even met an Ivan!!! What did I do to this guy?

I continue to cry, and he leaves. I'm by myself and I cry harder, I scream and hit the ground. I want to go home; I want to see my Daddies. What if they think I didn't love them anymore and I ran away? What if they don't even look for me because I was a bad girl? What if they don't love me...

All the thoughts rushing through my head only seemed to make it hurt worse.

I lay my head on the cold concrete beneath me and close my eyes.

"Hey little bitch, wake up." I see another man, it's dark and my eyes are blurry so I can't see his face, but the voice is familiar.

"Clean yourself up, you look disgusting." He throws a wet rag at me.

I hear him walk out and I do as he says knowing he's right. I wipe my face and brush my fingers through my hair brushing out some knots.

Who was that? I swear I know that voice.

I stand up holding my head that's still in pain and I rub my eyes. With my vision clearing I look around me.

It's just a concrete room. Its empty besides the rag I left on the ground. There're no windows so I can't even think about escaping through one.

How am I going to get out of here?

I walk slowly to the door and turn the handle. Its unlocked!

I turn the handle some more and slowly open the door hearing the creeks. I peek my head out and look around looking for someone, anyone. But nobody is around.

I walk on my toes being as quiet as I can.

As i walk down the hallway I find myself running. I don't even know when i started running but my feet were moving.

Just when I thought I could escape I'm pushed against the wall.

I look up and see Ivan.

"Daisy don't do this, they'll hurt you. Just do as you're told and stay in that room. Please." He almost begs.

"Who, who will hurt me?" Please just tell me.

"Daisy you can't trust anyone, think about it. If they find out I told you, they...they'll kill me." He says.

I thought he was a bad guy, but the way he sounds...he sounds scared.

I hear someone walking down the hall and he looks at us.

"I took her to use the bathroom, I'm taking her back to the room now." Ivan tells the guy.

"Need help?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No, she's complying." Ivan says grabbing my arm.

I let him lead me back to the room I was in before.

I sit against the wall and see Ivan leave the room.

I start crying again. I hate being alone and its dark in here.

After 30 minutes I hear the door creek open, and I see him...the guy with the familiar voice.

"Y... you?" I say with pain in my voice.

"Daisy, it's been a while." He says with an evil smirk.

I... I thought you loved me...


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