Chapter 5

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*Daisy's POV*

I woke up in Bria's room in a daze. I looked around and she wasn't in bed.

I hopped out of bed and went back to my room to get ready for my first day of senior year. Then Bria walked in humming her favorite song.

"Need help DeeDee?" She asked politely.

"Can you please do my hair after I get dressed?" I asked shyly. I know she doesn't mind helping me but, I don't like asking for help.

She nodded and went to my closet.

"What do you feel like wearing today?" She asked. I started getting nervous again and she looked at me.

"Hey, hey, it's okay DeeDee, I'll be with you. If you need me all you have to do is send me a text and I'm there." She said smiling and looking through my clothes.

"Thank you, Bria," I said hugging her.

She picked out a pink button up shirt with a flowy skirt that went past my knees. She went back to the closet and set a pair of cream-colored wedges on the floor. I looked at her nervously.

"Don't worry they aren't heels. Wedges are easy to walk in." She said seeing my eyes widen at the shoes.

I put everything on, and Bria tucked in my shirt. She is really good with fashion, me...I like colors, I'd look like a unicorn that threw up if I dressed myself.

We walked down to the kitchen, and I sat in the chair while Bria did my hair.

"So, what do you want to do with this mop?" Bria giggled.

"Hey, I don't have a mop Bria." I pouted.

"Oh, put that lip away. You know I was joking." She tucked my lip in and I mentally bit her finger.

Without an answer Bria put my hair in a fishtail braid. And I loved it.

"I feel like a princess!" I jumped in happiness.

"That you do DeeDee." She smiled.

"Good morning my beautiful girls." Bria's mom came into the kitchen.

"Good morning mom!" We both answered. Shes definitely a morning person, I don't understand how anyone could wake up happy in the morning. I'm always cranky.

"You girls better get going. Bria you get yourselves there safe." Bria's mom said as her husband came down and kissed her cheek.

I blushed watching him kiss her cheek. I wish I had someone who loved me like that. I mentally pouted.

I started thinking about last night. JAMES! Was that him who texted? 

I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone.

It is princess. Have a good day at school. You better not get in trouble.

I felt my cheeks heat up and that funny feeling in my tummy.

"Daisy, Bria is waiting for you in the car sweetie. It's time for school." Bria's mom yelled up the stairs. I carefully walked down the stairs in my wedges. I've grown to really like them.

As I got to the door Bria's mom gave me an apple. "Eat this on the way sweetie." She said.

I grabbed it then ran to the car and got in. I'm biting my lip thinking about what today holds. What if nobody likes me? What if they all think I'm stupid? What if they make fun of me? What if I fall and embarrass myself in front of everyone?

"Everything is going to be okay, remember, I'll be in the same area, and I have my phone if you need me" Bria said looking between me and road as if she knew I was thinking too much.

I nodded my head and put on a fake smile. I am I big girl, I can do this.

I regret leaving Maple at home, I should've put her in my bag before leaving. I crossed my arms giving myself a hug. I hope she isn't mad at me...I just wanted to try leaving her home. It also will make it less likely for people to make fun of me if they see her.

As I'm thinking about Maple we pull up to the school. My eyes grow wider, and I look at Bria. She hops out the car and comes to my side opening the door. She smiles at me and takes my hand.

"Come on DeeDee, I promise everything will be okay." Bria whispered so nobody could hear.

I took a deep breath and hopped out with her holding my hand. I'm happy I had Bria with me, I'd be so lost without her.

We walk into the entrance of the school, and I look up at her squeezing her hand. She looks down and gives me the warm smile she gives when she knows I'm scared.

Bria walked me to my first class, and I sat down in the seat and saw that Bria was talking to the teacher whose name is Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams makes her way towards me, and I put my head down. Am I in trouble already?

"Hello Daisy, I'm Mrs. Adams.  I was told you're a little nervous about today and I just wanted to come over here and tell you that my classroom is a safe place. If anyone, and I mean anyone hurts you in anyway. Come to me, okay?" She said sweetly.

I nodded and gave her a forced smile. She seems very sweet. I like sweet people.

More people started to walk into the classroom. I looked around at all the new faces and saw a very pretty girl with red hair and freckles across her face. I smiled at her hoping that I wasn't being weird. I just wanted to be friends with her. She smiled back and sat next to me.

"Hi, my name is Lauren." She said excitedly.

"Hi I'm Daisy." I said trying my best to not count her freckles. Shes so pretty. I wish I had freckles like her.

The bell rang and class started. In the middle of the lesson, which was math, Lauren took my class schedule. 

"Hey, we have a lot of classes together." She says looking at my paper.

My whole mood lit up. I'm happy I have a lot of classes with Lauren. I smile at her and wiggle around in my seat. I hate being still.

The bell rang again signaling the end of class has come. I packed up my stuff and headed out the door with Lauren.

"Hey DeeDee, who's this?" Bria asked looking at Lauren. I was really happy to see Bria, but she looked like she was already done with the day. I giggled to myself thinking I was going to have a bad day.

"Hi, I'm Lauren, I just met Daisy in class. We have a lot of the same classes, so I think we are going to be friends." Lauren said looking at me with hope in her eyes. I jumped up and down in excitement.

"Yes of course. We can definitely be friends." I said maybe a little too loud. I saw some faces turn but I paid them no mind.

"See DeeDee, i told you everything was going to be okay. And you already made a new friend." Bria said while smiling at Lauren.

The bell rang again telling us it was time for the next class. Lauren and I started walking towards our next class.

*ding* my phone went off. I quickly look at it seeing that it was James.


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