Chapter 8

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*Daisy's POV*

I woke up to James gently nudging me.

"Time to wake up princess we're home." James said gently.

I groaned and kept my eyes closed. I was too sleepy to get up. Leave me alone.

Someone opened my door and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around the muscular body.

"We will go over everything in the morning angel." Asher said kissing my head. I nuzzled up closer to him as he walked into the house.

I felt us going up some stairs and then another flight of stairs. How many steps does this house have?

I was placed in a soft fluffy bed with Asher kissing my cheek. He placed Maple right next to me and tucked her in too. I'm happy they dont make fun of me for having Maple. 

             The next morning.                  

I woke up in a pink bed.  This has to be the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in. I looked around the room with tired eyes. It was amazing. My bed was in the shape of a castle, and I had a whole bunch of new toys.

I started jumping on my bed in excitement.  I can't wait to play with everything in here.

All the sudden two strong hands stopped me from jumping and I pouted.

"Only bad girls jump on the bed princess." James said with a smirk.

I looked up at him in awe, he just woke up and he looks delicious. I blushed at the thought.

"I love to watch you blush princess. " James whispered in my ear. It only made me turn redder. I hid my face in my hands to hide myself from his gaze.

James chuckled. "Let's go eat princess, after that we will go over your rules." I nodded ready for some food in my belly.

We walked out of the room with James still holding me. This was the first time I'm seeing the house.  It wasn't just a house. IT WAS A MANSION!!! It was so huge. I can't wait to explore. I started wiggling around in his arms.

James groaned. "Stay still princess." James said in a deep voice. It sent waves of pleasure through me. I stayed still as a statue not wanting to get in trouble. He chuckled noticing how still I became.

We sat down at the table with James sitting me on his lap.  There was a bunch of chairs, so I don't understand why he made me sit on him. I tried to slip off his lap and his hands gripped my hips firmly.

"Stay here princess, unless you want a spanking." I stilled and my eyes grew wide. The thought of him spanking me made my face hot.

Asher looked at me and smiled popping some fruit in his mouth. I looked at the food in front me. Their pancakes, fresh fruit, eggs, and bacon. James grabbed some eggs on a fork and pulled me out of my thoughts when he placed the fork at my lips. I slowly opened my mouth and ate the eggs. Why is he feeding me? He needs to eat too. I grabbed a strip of bacon and turned slightly to put it in front of him. He smiled and ate the bacon from my hand. I blushed and turned back around.

After breakfast James asked if I wanted to look around the house. I quickly nodded my head and he called over Gloria.

"Yes sir?" Gloria asked with a smile.

"Show our princess around the house. I can already tell she's excited so keep an eye on her, so she doesn't run off and get lost." He said sternly.

Gloria nodded her head and took my hand.

"I'll show you all around the house little one." She said softly. She looked older, maybe in her 50s. She reminded me of Bria's mom. Remembering my family I smiled, with Ms. Gloria here I'll definitely be happy.

It took like three hours of her showing me around the house for it to finally come to an end. My legs were tired, but the place was awesome. It was so big. It had seven bedrooms, which I got to see both my da-the brothers' rooms. I mentally kicked myself. It also has three living rooms, a game room which I noticed a little spot for me which I am really excited for, four and a half bathrooms, and a pool. When I saw the pool, I immediately wanted to swim. It looked like so much fun.

 It looked like so much fun

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After Ms

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After Ms. Gloria showed me around, I found Asher in one of the living rooms watching tv.

"Hey angel, did you see the house?" Asher asked looking at me. I looked down at my feet and nodded. He looked hot sitting there without a shirt on with his chest on full display for me to see.

"Don't look at me like that angel, it'll make me do things you aren't ready for." Asher said seductively.

"Da-James-" I took a deep breath hoping he didn't catch my mistake. "Said that after breakfast we would go over the rules." I said nervously.

Asher's eyes grew dark. Almost as if they were full of lust. "Of course, angel, let's go to his office. He should be in there." Asher said smirking at me. I looked down blushing again. At this point my cheeks were going to permanently be red.

We got to his office and Asher opened his door. "She asked about the rules brother, I think it's time to go over them." Asher said.

James looked at Asher with a smirk. "Of course, brother, princess come sit on my lap and we will go over them"

I tip toed over to James' lap and he grabbed my waist to pick me up. He set me on his lap and pulled some papers towards us.

"Okay princess, we are going to go over all the rules, punishments, and rewards. If you have any questions at all, please ask." James said looking in my eyes. I nodded taking a deep breath.

Here we go.


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