Ex Girlfriend

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"Give it a kiss, right here." He says pointing to the very tip.

*James POV*

She leans down slowly and places her lips on the tip of my dick. Her soft lips felt better than I have imagined.

"Good girl." I whisper encouraging her. She continues to kiss it and I feel it throbbing with pleasure. She opens her mouth, and my eyes widen. She licks from the middle all the way to the top.

"Mmm, princess your making daddy really hard." I say grunting. Her tongue was soft and light. I see here face redden. I love those red little cheeks, the ones on her face and the ones she will have on that perky ass when I'm done with her.

She licks it more and looks up at me. Oh, fuck princess don't look at me with those eyes, I'll bust too quick.

I grab her jaw and hold her mouth open as I shove my dick in slowly.

"Put your lips around it and suck while moving your tongue in little circles." She does as she's told. I love how submissive she is.

"Mmm fuck princess." I groan through my teeth. I hear a soft moan coming from her. Her moaning was sexy when it was muffled because her mouth was full of dick but its sexier when I'm the one making her cum.

*Knock knock*

A knock of the door pulls me out of my thoughts and Daisy looks up at me confused. I pull her up sitting her next to me and pull the blankets over us.

"Enter." I say knowing its Drew, Asher would've just walked in.

"Hey James, someone is at the door for you." He says looking at us curiously in bed. I could honestly give no fucks about who's at that door right now, but I nod my head.

"I'll be right there." I stand up still obviously hard. I throw my Jeans back on and tuck my dick up into my waist band. Fuck this is uncomfortable. I look over at my princess and she's crying.

"What is it princess? What happened?" Did I scare her? Did I take things too fast?

"You didn't get to finish daddy." Oh. I chuckled. Shes so adorable.

"It's okay princess I promise." I kiss her lips lingering there for a while.

"Lay down princess, it's time for bed anyways. I have to go see who's at the door." She lays down in the bed and closes her eyes. She looks so perfect.  I love that cute little button nose.

I walk out the room closing the door and make it to the front door. I open it and its...my ex-girlfriend...

"Hey baby, I've missed you!" She exclaims hugging me. I peel her off as fast as I can.

"What are you doing here?" Last time I saw her she left with some guy after a long night of partying at a club.

"I heard you were in town. I wanted to see you and make things right." She touches my arm with her cold hands. I used to love her touch but now it makes me want to vomit.

"There's nothing to make right, you've made your choice and I made mine." I swipe her hand away and she looks at me with hurt in her eyes.

"Baby I made a mistake. We all make mistakes." It may have been a mistake but it's a mistake that I refuse to forgive. She broke my heart once and now someone else occupies my whole heart so she can't have any of it anymore.

"Fallon." I say her name as a warning more than anything, but she doesn't see it that way.

"I know you miss me too James. I mean look at me." She rubs her hand up her thigh to her breasts. I remember how much I loved her body, but now I can't see why I did. Daisy's body is a million times better. Daisy is better in general. So innocent, so ready to please and be pleased.

"I would appreciate it if you left Fallon." I wish she never came in the first place.

"No! First you have to promise me that you'll take me out." She smirks at me. Take her out?

"I'm in a relationship now Fallon."

"So? Screw the bitch and screw me instead." She said sending a wink at me. She won't leave unless I agree...

"I'll pick you up at 3pm, wear something nice because you're going to a gala." I roll my eyes at her, and she smiles.

"I'll be ready baby." She turns on her heel to leave.

What did I get myself into? I have to take her and Daisy...

Well Daisy could go with Asher and Drew will just have to find a date. I need to talk to Asher.

I close the front door and go to his room.

"Brother something happened." I say beating around the bush.

"What is it? Is Daisy, okay?" He looks up from his phone nervously.

"Yes, Daisy is fine it's about... Fallon." The look of shock covers his face.

"Fallon, Fallon?" He asks not believing his ears. I nod my head yes and he furrows his eyebrows.

"What did you do?" He asks setting down his phone.

"I may or may not have told her she could be my date to the gala..." I tail off looking at the ceiling. My brother and I never shared Fallon; Asher actually always hated her.

"You what?!?" He whisper yelled. Hes pissed.

"She wouldn't leave brother. It'll only be for one night anyways." Defending myself feels stupid. I should've never invited her to come.

"Ever heard of the police? They deal with crazy bitches all the time." He stands up.

"That wouldn't have fixed anything, her family has money, and she would just find me again." I cross my arms.

"Daisy isn't going to be happy..." Asher trails off. I know she was jealous at Vals Diner with that waitress, I will just have to make it up to her.

"I know brother. The only thing I can think of is you take her to the gala as your date and keep her distracted."

"I can do that." He shrugs.

I walk out the room and back into Daisy's room. I take off my shirt and jeans and slide into bed with her. She stirs as I pull her closer to me.

"I love you princess." I whisper into her ear.


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