Scary Movie

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Daisy's POV

     I get back to daddy Asher and give him a weak smile.

He furrows his eyebrows. Dang he knows something is wrong now.

Lauren gives me a hug goodbye.

"We should hangout again soon, I miss seeing you and Maple at school." Lauren says.

I haven't played with or even spoken to Maple in a while. Looking at Maple brings back really good memories that turn bad real fast. When I look at her, I feel the pain of Bria's dad all over again.

Of course, I want to keep Maple but...I don't know. My feelings are so confusing.

I wave bye as she walks away.

"What's wrong angel?" Daddy Asher asks.

A sigh passes my lips. I have to tell him the truth, but maybe not the whole truth.

"I have confusing feelings, I'm happy...but sometimes my heart hurts." I look down at my feet.

His finger slips under my chin.

"It's okay to not know how you feel. Let's go home and we can do something to get your mind off things." He stands up and grabs my hand. His lips kiss my knuckles making my cheeks turn slightly red.

The drive home was nice. Light rain was hitting the windows, the dark clouds rolling in the sky. It was peaceful.

"When will daddy James be home?" I ask while yawning.

"Close your eyes angel. He's already home." He puts his hand on my thigh rubbing soothing circles.

"But we're almost home daddy." I protest.

A chuckle slips past him. But he doesn't say anything.

Once we get home daddy Asher gets out of the car.

Nope I'm too comfy, I don't want to move.

He notices that I haven't gotten out yet and he opens my door.

"Let's go angel." He smiles.

I look up at him and put my arms up with grabby hands.

I see a smile light up on his face as he picks me up. My legs wrap around him, and I secure my arms around his neck.

The rain is still coming down getting us wet.

He basically runs into the house making me laugh the whole time.

We get inside the house and daddy James walks up to greet us.

"How's my princess." He smiles.

I giggle and hug daddy Asher tighter.

"Why are you two all wet?" He asks confused.

"It's raining. I thought you were the smart brother." Daddy Asher laughs.

I see daddy James roll his eyes.

"Can we watch a scary movie daddies?" I ask them both.

They look at each other then back at me.

"I don't know princess." Daddy James says scratching the back of his head.

"We don't want you to get so scared that you won't sleep." Daddy Asher adds.

"Pleeeeaaaaase." I basically beg.

"Okay, okay, just remember scary movies aren't real." Daddy Asher says.

Yes! Dark and rainy weather, thunder rolling...

I jump out of daddy Asher's arms and run up to my room to put on something comfy for the movie.

I pick out a baby blue nightgown with the Cookie Monster on it and some fluffy pink socks.

My toes wiggle in my socks feeling how fluffy they are as I look for a stuffed animal to watch the movie with.

My eyes scan the room. Their so many to choose from. My eyes stop on Maple.

I walk up to her and give her a smile.

"I still love you, Maple; I just think that maybe I need some space." I tell her.

I search the room again and finally end up picking a random teddy bear named Rocko.

Exiting the room I run down the stairs, almost falling in the process and plop down on the couch in the middle of my daddies.

"Well don't you look comfy." Daddy Asher teases.

I smile and wiggle more in between them and the smell of pizza wafts into my nose.

My eyes look on the coffee table in front of us and I bite my lip.

I take a slice into my hands and take a long bite.

I notice both of them watching me and my face turns red. I must look fat, but I don't even care. Food is just too good.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Daddy James asks clearing his throat.

I take a second to think.

"What about Monster House?" I smile.

They both nod in agreement and daddy Asher gets up to turn the lights off.


The movie starts off on a good note then quickly gets scary.

"That old man is creepy." I whisper more to myself, but I hear them both chuckle.

After the movie I notice my nails digging into daddy Asher's arm.

"I... I umm...I'm sorry daddy." I look at his eyes then back down at his arm.

"It's alright angel, tattoos hurt worse than your nails." He chuckles.

"Was that too scary princess?" Daddy James asks.

I nod. That movie creeped the heck out.

"Can we all sleep together?" I ask.

I see them think about it then they both nod.

Yes! Sleepover....kind of.


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