Chapter 11

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*James' POV*

We were eating dinner and I noticed Daisy wasn't eating her peas. I was going to say something but then Asher did.

Eat your peas angel." Asher said with a stern voice.

"But I don't like peas." She said crossing her arms. Her defiance was cute. But it wasn't going to work.

"I didn't ask if you like them angel, I told you to eat them."

She didn't budge. I was trying to hold back my smile.

"Princess you were told to eat your peas." I said while I grabbed some chicken on my fork.

"Angel I'll bend you over my knee right here right now and spank that perfect little ass of yours." Asher said smugly. I knew she wasn't going to do it. She was in too deep to listen now.

"Please daddy, I don't like them." She gave Asher her puppy eyes. They were adorable. I probably would've let it slide at this point. I can't deny the puppy eyes.

He groaned. "Last time I'll tell you angel, eat your peas." He said not giving in.

She looked like she was thinking about it eating them. The wheels were turning in that pretty little head of hers.

"Okay have it your way angel." Asher pulled his chair out. "Over my knee now." He said smirking. I saw her eyes grow wide and I knew she was about to be spanked but I kept eating. You should've just eaten your peas princess.

She got up and started making her way towards him. I sat my fork down and started watching. I was excited to watch her pretty little ass get spanked. She got closer to him and laid across his legs. Her perky boobs were on his legs, and I saw them squish against it. I want those perfect boobs pressed against me. That thought made my dick twitch.

Asher then pulled down her panties. She was wearing a dress, so he had easy access to them. He stared at her ass for a minute and started rubbing it. I can't wait to touch that ass. It's so perfect I just want to bite it and make her moan for me.

"Your ass is delicious angel." He said caressing her butt.

"I want you to count angel." He said still rubbing her butt. She nodded and he begun.


" daddy." She said as he laid his hand on her. I felt my dick getting hard watching her ass jiggle as he spanked it. Her eyes started to water but something it her eyes was saying that she liked it.


"Two daddy." Tears start running down her cheeks.


"Three daddy." She says. Her ass is a light shade of red. It was so sexy.

Smack, smack

He spanks her 2 more times on each cheek. "Four and five daddy." She says. My dick is rock hard and throbbing. Think James. Old grandma. Old lady tits. Toothless old lady. I calmed my dick down.

I stand up and walk over placing my hand on her red butt. I start to rub it. I try to soothe the pain then I lean down and place a soft kiss on it. I restrain from biting it knowing for her first time being spanked it'd hurt too much. She let out a quiet moan. My dick twitched again. No, no down boy. Not now.

"Let's get you in the bath princess." I say with a smirk. She nods her head and Asher pulls up her panties.

"I'll be in a cold shower brother." Asher says looking at me. I chuckle and pick Daisy up. I know exactly what he means. Hes probably trying his hardest to not take her right here right now just like me.

"After this I might need one too." I say truthfully as I'm walking to the bathroom.

"I'm going to set you on the bed while I run you a bubble bath princess. " I set her carefully on the bed and kiss the top of her head.

I hear her start to talk to someone. Knowing Asher is in the shower I don't know who it is, so I keep an ear open.

"Maple I just got spanked, and I think I liked it. Is that weird? It made the inner parts of my legs wet and my tummy tighten but it stung a little." I hear her whisper. She likes punishments. I smile to myself. Good I want to spank that ass too.

"Come on princess." I say smirking. She looks at me curiously making her way towards me.

I slid off her dress and took a deep breath. Her body is so fucking sexy.

"Come on princess I'll wash you and your hair then we can get into bed." I say setting her into the water.

She grabs some bubbles and puts them on her face to make it look like a beard. She looked over at me and I chuckled. She is so cute with that little lop sided beard.

"Your beard looks cute princess." I say laughing.

I grabbed a loofah and put some soap on it. I scrubbed her back as she kept playing with the bubbles. I started to scrub her shoulders and kept going lower until I made my way to her chest. I see her nipples hardened at contact and I groan. Her nipples reacted as soon as I touched them. I fight the urge to put those perky nipples in my mouth.

I washed her chest staring at her nipples and went down to her stomach. I started to go lower until I reached her pussy. I want to stick my finger in her and make her cum all over my hand.

When I started to wash her pussy, she let out a soft moan and I looked at her smirking. Her moan was so sexy. My dick started to throb again.

"Something you want to say princess?" I ask. She bit her lip and shakes her head no. I know she's never felt this feeling and it made me so hard thinking about being the first to pleasure her but now is not the time.

As I finished washing her, I told her to stand up as I helped her out of the bath so she wouldn't slip. I wrapped a towel around her, and we walked into her room to see Asher on her bed.

"How was your bath angel?" He asked. She stayed silent and blushed to a deep red. I knew she was thinking about what happened in the bath.

"G... good daddy." She says trying to sound like nothing happened.

He just smirked probably seeing right through her and I take off her towel to dress her for bed.

I grabbed a night gown that had 'My Little Mermaid' on it and her eyes lit up. I knew she liked the beach, so I figured she'd like this night gown.

"I love that movie!" She says jumping excited. Asher and I both groan. Her perfect boobs and ass bouncing as she jumped instantly made me hard.

"Stop bouncing princess, or we won't be able to control what happens next." I give her a serious look. She must've gotten so excited she forgot she was naked. But then she blushed finally realizing what she did. She then tries to cover her naked body; I hate that she covered herself, but I understood why so I let it slide...this time. I put the night gown over her head.

"How about we go to bed now, yes?" I say with a smile. She nods her head and jumps in.

We both tuck her in and say goodnight kissing her forehead.

I walked to my room which was right next door to hers and Asher on the opposite side of hers. I touch my dick. Damn she's giving me blue balls.

I lay in my bed and then I started to hear moaning. Asher must be watching porn. I laugh at the thought. Then it became louder. It sounded like it was coming from Daisy's room.

I get up and smile to myself. My princess is horny and touching herself. Shes breaking a rule.

I make my way out of the room and walk up to her door.


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