Nobody Is Coming

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*Daisy's POV*

It feels like I've been here for weeks. Is it day or night?

I've been refusing all the food I can, but lately they've been force feeding me. The first time they force fed me I made myself throw up...never doing that again because they beat me.

A couple times a week someone comes in, usually Bria's dad, and they take pictures of me. Of course, they don't leave out the humiliation.

I don't understand why they won't just kill me. It's obvious that nobody is coming for me. The brothers either gave up or don't care. I understand though, I wouldn't want me either.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Ivan come in.

"I brought you a blanket, don't let me regret giving this to you Daisy. Please." He looks as if he could cry.

I'm too weak to move, I'm freezing and notice myself shaking but can't find the strength to grab the blanket. I look up with tears in my eyes.

He read my mind and through the blanket on me wrapping me up in it.

The warmth of it helps my achy muscles that are currently deteriorating.

"Thanks." I say with my voice raspy and cracking in the process.

He nods his head and starts to walk towards the door.

Why does he act like he cares so much when he's apart of this? He could help me escape but chooses not to.

I look down and see my ribs poking through my skin, then the scattered wounds all around my body.

I wrap the blanket tighter around me in attempt to stay warm and I lay my head back on the floor. Just as I was about to close my eyes the devil decides to make an appearance.

He closes the door and walks towards me.

Here we go.

"They still haven't paid me; it seems like they don't really care much about you little Daisy. I never really cared either but, my wife and daughter did so I put up with it. " He said shrugging.

Well duh, it's obvious you never liked me... well now. I used to think he was my dad.

"Let's take some pictures." He says pulling some scissors out of his pocket. Yes, please put it through my throat.

He circles around me a few times then roughly grabs the back of my head pulling it back.

"Actually, a video would be so much better." He stops and runs back to the camera. I don't care enough to fight him. I'm ready for this to end, I'm ready to die.

I hear the beep of the play button coming from his camera.

He grabs the back of my head again dragging it to his chest. He puts the scissors to my neck. This is it. The sweet release of death will be here soon.

He runs the scissors from my neck to my jaw.

I wish he would stop dragging this on.

Suddenly he moves the scissors to my hair cutting where he grabbed.

My hair...

He continued his attack on my hair as I sit there and silently cry. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing that his actions are bothering me but, I'm not strong enough.

He drops the scissors on the floor and tilts my head back to look at him.

"Disgusting." He spits.

He stops the camera and leaves the room.

As soon as the door closes, I reach up with both my hands and feel my head.

My head is full of patches of baldness and short hair. He couldn't even make me totally bald? Maybe this was more embarrassing.

A couple hours later Ivan brings out a tray of food and sets it on the floor in front of me.

My stomach has been growling for days.

I slowly reach out and pull it towards me with all my strength. It doesn't look good. I can tell it's a warm soup though, and their warmth of it is too inviting to not eat it.

I grab the spoon and eat the soup with shaking hands.

I guess it tastes better than it looks. Or I'm just too hungry to recognize gross food.

I notice Ivan watching me eat and I give him a questioning look.

"Thank you for eating." He smiles softly.

I continue to eat the soup getting to the halfway point. I'm starting to feel full but I don't want to stop. 

Finally reaching my breaking point I gently set the bowl back on the tray.

Saying nothing Ivan takes the tray and goes to leave the room.

"Ivan." I say in a shaky voice.

He turns around.

"Why are you here?" I question.

"To make sure you ea-"

"No like, why are you here." I gesture to the whole building.

He bites his cheek looking down.

"My wife, she's sick. For doing this I'll get a lot of money, enough money to pay for her hospital bills and the future hospital bills." He gives me a slight smile.

So, he's driven by money but in a different way.

"I understand." I nod my head. 

At least something good is coming out of this terrible experience.

He leaves the room with the tray in his hands.

I bring the blanket back up to my chin. I take a deep breath, when will this be over?

Is this life now?


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