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Bria's POV

We walk into the courtroom late. I hate that the damn traffic was out of control.

My mom looks at me before opening the doors and her little brown eyes are full of tears.

"We will get justice." I tell her.

She opens the door, and we quietly walk in trying not to make a sound.

I look around the room and I see...Daisy.

What the hell is she doing here?

She knows about this?

She's known about my dad and hasn't talked to me once??

After everything we've done for her and she's here but not with me.

It hurts so fucking bad. My chest tightens.

I look away and point to an open spot for my mother and I to sit.

"Nina please come up to the stand." The judge says.

She's our only hope.

Her husband went missing around the same time they found my dad's body and they think the murders are connected.

I glance back up at Daisy and it looks like she's in deep thought. Her eyebrows are furrowed and then it turns into fear.

Why the hell is she scared?

Wait. Are those the men who bought her from my parents?

How are they connected to this?

What the fuck.

"Nina, I would like to ask you a few questions would that be okay?" A lawyer says.

"Yes sir." She says in a quiet mousy voice.

Daisy's POV

"You were sick in the hospital at the time of your husband's disappearance, is this correct?" He asks.

"Yes sir."

"Why were you in the hospital?"

"Objection! It is irrelevant to the case." The other lawyer states.

"Sustained." The judge says.

All these big freaking words.

"How long were you in the hospital for?"

"Objection, once again your honor, irrelevant to the case." The other lawyer keeps cutting the first one off.

"Overruled. Please continue." The judge states.

I look up at Drew and he squeezes my hand again. I'm happy he's here. If I were alone...I don't know what I'd do.

"I was in there for 7 months." Nina says.

"Did you have any contact with James or Asher during your hospital stay?"

"No sir but-"

"Is it true that you've never even met these men?" He cuts her off.

"Yes but-"

"And you've also never met the man who was murdered is that correct?"

" I didn't know him." Her voice has a hint of anger.

"No further questions your honor." The lawyer says and he walks back to my daddies.

The other lawyer stands up.

"Your honor I would like to also keep Nina on the stand." He says.

"You may."

"Nina, while you were in the hospital do you know where your husband was?" He asks.

"Objection! Hear-say your honor." The first lawyer said.


"Umm okay. To the best of your knowledge, where was your husband during your stay in the hospital?" He rephrases.

"I know he was working. He worked a lot to pay the bills and pay off the hospital debt that I had." She sniffles.

I'm so sorry Nina...I wish I could've protected him.

Ivan was a good man that had to do bad things...but a good man, nonetheless.

"Where did he work?"

"I'm not too sure." She answers honestly.

"Did your husband ever speak about
This man pictured here." He puts an older picture of Brias dad on overhead.

I tuck my face in Drews arm until the picture is taken off the screen.

"Objection. Hear-say."

"Overruled, you may continue." The judge says.

"Umm. I- yes. They worked together at the clinic."

"No further questions your honor." The lawyer goes to sit down.

After an hour of back and forth the judge told the jury to deliberate.

Whatever that means...

"There will be a 30-minute recess." The judge slams the hammer thingy on the podium making me jump.

Everyone stands up. Wait why is everyone leaving?

"We will be back in 30 minutes Daisy, let's go get a snack." He smiles grabbing ahold of Carsons hand as well.

I didn't want to leave... But I know I had to.

We walk out the room and up to a vending machine.

"Daisy!" Bria runs up to me.

Oh no... oh no...

She looks at Drew and Carson then rolls her eyes.

"I have a question for you." Her eyes hold so much anger.

"Are you here for me...or the people who murdered our dad." She spits.

It's not like that...she doesn't know...I have to tell-

"We aren't here to answer your questions." Drew cuts in.

"I don't remember asking you anything." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"You're not asking anybody anything." He says.

"Oh" she laughs dryly "I see. I get it." She scowls at me and walks away.

Bria wait... No.

I try to run after her, but Drew keeps ahold of my hand.

"You can't Daisy. It's not good." He says.

"She hates me...she was my best friend and now she wants me dead." I start to cry.

"You have me now Daisy. I know the truth...if she thinks so poorly of you then she was never a friend in the first place." Carson says.

I give her a weak smile.

Even though I disagree I know she's only trying to help.

Drew gets us both goldfish and cookies to share before we go back into the room.

It's finally about to be over...

30 minutes later we go back into the room.

My nerves are eating me alive. I feel weak but Drews words replay in my head as everyone is getting settled in and put into their places.

I am strong.

"Your honor, in the case of James we find the defendant- guilty for murder in the second degree."


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