Chapter 16

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*Daisy's POV*

"What is it princess?" He walks back to me. Why did I call him back in here...quick think of an excuse!

", c... can you hand me Maple?" I say stuttering.

He looks at me then walks to the tea party set and grabs Maple. He walks back over. I hear every footstep. It came closer and closer. He sets Maple down next to me tucking her in as well.

I look up at him and he's already staring at me.

"That's not what you wanted is it princess?" He asks smirking. I blush under his gaze, and I shook my head.

"Use your words princess." He sits on the edge of my bed.

" daddy." I say shyly. His eyes turn dark with lust.

"What do you want princess?" He asks rubbing my arm. His touch sent shivers down my spine.

"Can you sleep next to me daddy?" I asked innocently. I don't like sleeping alone but sleeping next to my Daddies make me feel like nothing could ever hurt me.

"Hmm, you have been a good girl. Come to my room and we will sleep in there." He says getting up. In his room? His bed probably smells like him. I don't know how to describe what he smells like but trust me, it's good.

We both make our way to his room, which is right next to mine, and we walk in. His room has a black and grey bed and pretty paintings around it. I walk up to his bed and sit down making myself comfortable.

"Go ahead and lay back princess, daddy is going to take a shower and then get in, okay?" I nod my head and lay back pulling the big comfy blankets over my legs. His bed is a little firmer than mine but still super comfy.

10 minutes go by, and he walks out of his bathroom, which is in his room. Hes wearing grey sweatpants that are hanging low without a shirt on. I lay there ogling his body and wishing I could be under it.

"Don't look at me like that princess, you have to sleep." Daddy James says as he climbs into bed with me.

I have a sudden urge of confidence and I snuggle up to him. I throw my arm around his stomach and lay my head on his muscular chest. He wraps his arm around me. The lull of his heartbeat drifted me off to sleep.

"Princess it's time to wake up." Daddy James says softly.

I turn around in the bed and try to fall back asleep. I don't want to wake up, screw school.

"You know...if you wake up now, I'll give you a surprise. " Daddy James says. I hear the smirk on his lips. A surprise? I sit up in the bed and yawn. I look over and see daddy Asher at the door too.

"I called the school, I told them we are going on a vacation." Daddy James says.

I shoot up out of bed. "Where are we going daddy?" I ask excited.

"We have a beach house in California, we were going to go next month but some things came up and we have to leave a little early." I run out the door into my room to start packing.

After I packed, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I sat in the chair by myself. Where's my daddies?

Gloria comes into the room with 3 plates full of food. If I were in her position I would've already ruined breakfast.

"Ms. Gloria, where's James and Asher?" I ask.

"They are getting things ready to go dear. They told me to come feed you breakfast, and I'll bring their plates to their offices." She says while setting down my plate.

I shrug it off and start eating the delicious fluffy pancakes that are sitting in front of me.

I finished my plate and I bring it into the kitchen to put in the sink. I pull out my phone and text Lauren.

"Hey, I don't know when I'll be back but I'm going on a vacation with my family. I promise I'll be back soon!"

I pressed send and I walked out of the kitchen.

"You ready to go angel?" Daddy Asher asks me at the front door.

I run up to him and give him a hug.

"I'm 100% ready daddy." He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

Daddy James walks down the stairs with a couple of maids and butlers holding our luggage. We walk out the house and I see a limousine sitting in the driveway. We start walking towards it.

Daddy James opens the door and I climb in after daddy Asher.

I'm sitting in the middle of both of them and the driver starts to drive to the beach house. We will be in here for a long while if we're going to California, at least seven hours.

I watch the cars and the trees zoom by and I feel daddy Asher's hand on my thigh. Then daddy James puts his hand on my other thigh. I stiffen up and blush.

"What's the matter princess?" Daddy James whispers in my ear, tickling my neck.

I feel like this is going to be a long ride.


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