To The Mall

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Daisy's POV

It's been a couple hours and I ate all my breakfast, and I was being a good girl so Carson could come over.

Daddy Asher said that she had to go to school today so she can't come over. Why haven't I been to school?

"Daddy Asher?" I look up at him.

"Yes angel?" He bends down.

"Why haven't I been to school?"

I see his thinking face for a split second.

"Well, we thought you just needed some time angel. You've been through a lot, and we wanted to make sure you were okay before going back. Do you want to go back tomorrow?" He asks.

I shake my head. Why would I want to go back to school? That place sucked and everyone was mean to me.

"Can I get a new stuffie daddy?" I smile widely.

He chuckles.

"Get your shoes on angel." He boops my nose.

I quickly run to the first pair of shoes I see and put them on. Trying and failing to tie the laces.

"Daddy I need help!" I call out to him.

I see him run to the front door where I was and when he sees me, he rolls his eyes.

"I thought you were hurt." He huffs.

I giggle and he ties my shoes and picks me up.

When we get to the mall we walk inside and go into a few stores, I already got a brown teddy bear with a yellow bow, a pair of earrings that are little stars, and a new dress. I still haven't found the right stuffie but I'm still on that mission.

"Let's go to the food court and get some food." Daddy Asher says.

I quickly agree feeling my tummy growl.

We walk towards the escalator and panic sets in.

"No, no daddy I don't like it." I look at the moving stairs.

"It's okay angel, everyone takes these." He tries to console me.

"No daddy, what if I fall through?"

He chuckles and grabs my hand.

"See that guy right there-" he points to a hefty man on the escalator. "If he's not falling through then you couldn't possibly fall through." He finishes.

I guess he's right. But I'm holding his hand the whole time.

We step on and I grab his hand with a death grip which doesn't seem to bother him.

Once we make it to the top I jump off.

"I did it!" I throw my hands up in the air. I'm proud of myself.

"I know angel, I'm proud of you." He kisses my head.

He takes my hand, and we go to the food court.

Daddy got me a really big cookie and he got a pretzel.

"Daisy?" I hear a voice behind me as I take a bite of my cookie.

With a full mouth I turn around and see Lauren. Lauren?

She looks exactly the same.

"Hey Lauren! I missed you." I get up and hug her.

"I missed you too, where have you been?" She asks.

I look over to daddy Asher.

"We went to the beach." He answers the question with a smile.

"Girl, is that your boyfriend? He's hot as fuck." She whispers.

My face turns slightly red. Yeah, something like a boyfriend.

"Yeah, he's the bestest." I say. I don't want to have to explain to her that he's my daddy.

"Well, do you mind if I steal your girlfriend for like 20 minutes? I haven't seen her in a long time." Lauren asks.

"Daisy you be careful and don't leave her side, if you need me, I'll be here." He gives me the permission to go.

I jump excitedly and follow her into a store. Whoa it's dark in here, and there's lots of black clothes.

"Daisy I have to tell you something." Lauren whispers.

I nod to encourage her to go on.

"Do you know about Bria's dad?" She asks. how he tried to kill me? Maybe I shouldn't say anything. Should I act clueless?

"What about him?" I ask.

I see her put her head down.

"He's dead, someone killed him. Bria is in bad shape dude. She hasn't been to school or talked to anyone since."

My face drops. I knew he was dead, but I didn't know that other people knew.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well apparently they found him almost in the middle of nowhere and he was almost unrecognizable. His nose was broken, his neck was broken, there was blood all over him..." She trails.

Chills run through my body.

"Who did it?" I bite my lip.

"Well, they have two suspects, but I don't know who they are. All I know is that those two people started going to his house and there were multiple phone calls between them." She answers.

My daddies...

No, please don't let the cops think it's my daddies.

Tears run down my cheeks.

"It's going to be okay Daisy; they'll find who did it. Bria will be okay." She rubs my back trying to comfort me.

Well Bria isn't who I'm mostly worried about. Does that make me a bad friend?

"Can you take me back to my da- boyfriend?" I ask hoping she won't catch onto what I was going to say.

She gives me a small smile.

"Of course."

As we are walking back to the table my mind goes wild.

That's why neither of my daddies wanted to tell me. What if they go to jail? What will I do?

They can't leave...


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