Lucky Charms

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Daisy's POV

We all get into the spacious car. I guess daddy Asher packed earlier, sneaky daddy.

Daddy James gets into the driver's seat and daddy Asher sits next to me.

Daddy Asher clears his throat.

I look up at him in confusion.


He waits without saying a word.

Noooo my brain can't figure out what's wrong.

He then points at the seat belt behind me.

"Help daddy, I'm too little." I smile playing it off.

He chuckles and buckles me in.

"You adorable angel." He boops my nose.


Why am I getting so many boops all the sudden?

I cross my arms.

Daddy James seems to notice, and I hear him chuckle.

It's not funny. My nose is for smelling, not booping.

After some time and getting no attention for my little pouts I noticed the snow falling from the sky.

"Daddies! Look!" I point excitedly out the window.

I scared daddy Asher almost half to death, he put his hand over his heart as he jumped.

"You see the snow angel?" He laughs at himself.

I nod and snuggle up to him watching the snow fall.

It's so pretty. Bria told me that every single snowflake is different, there isn't one that is the exact same. I like that, it reminds me that no people are the exact same either. Like daddy Asher and daddy James, their twins but totally different.

The snow hits the windows and I yawn. I'm not sleepy it's just relaxing.

Daddy Asher's hand comes up my back and he lightly rubs it with his fingertips while he's on his phone.

I look at his phone and he's reading the news.

Ew, that's old people stuff.

"Daddy when will we get there?" Daddy James looks in my eyes through the rearview mirror.

"In 8 hours, princess." He answers.

8 hours?! Where the hell are we going?

I contemplate what could be that far away, but nothing pops into mind.

Why won't they just tell me?

My mind is pulled out of thoughts when daddy Asher grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles.

"What're you thinking about?" He looks at me.

"I want to play in the snow." I admit. I really do want to play in the I wasn't lying.

He chuckles.

"When we get there, you can angel."


I lay my head on his bicep and close my eyes.

Maybe if I sleep, we will get there faster.

I wake up to being shifted around but I pay it no mind. Too tired.

I feel the crisp air touching my tummy.

Sitting up out of my daddy's arms I pull my shirt down.

"Hey princess, it's 7am." I hear daddy James say.

I stretch and look around.

We're...on a mountain!

Turning around I see a beautiful wooden cabin that looks huge.

"Wow..." I say to myself.

Both my daddies lead me inside and show me to my room.

Both my daddies lead me inside and show me to my room

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.'s so pretty.

I look around in awe.

"Your surprise should be here in about an hour." Daddy James winks at me.

I wiggle in excitement until I suddenly feel hungry.

My tummy growls in agreement.

"Hungry angel?" Daddy Asher asks amused.

Nodding my head, he picks me up and my legs wrap around his waist.

The cold air from outside makes my nipples hard and now they're rubbing against his chest.

How embarrassing...but it felt really good.

With each step my nipples created friction on his chest. I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. I can feel myself getting wetter with every step.

All the sudden I'm set down on the counter.

I pout at the loss of his heat and because it felt really good.

Daddy Asher seems to not notice as he pours me some cereal.

Oh, it's lucky charms. Yummy!

I squeeze my legs shut trying to forget about what just happened, but I can't. I'm too wet.

"You look flustered angel." He remarks bluntly.

What? Me? Noooo.

"I'm just hungry daddy." I try to recover.

He smirks and hands me my cereal.

As I start to eat it, I feel his hand on my leg moving in circular motions.

His rough hand on my soft skin feels amazing.

Daddy James walks in and freezes.

"Princess." He says.

I look up at him.

"We have to put a bra on you before your surprise comes." He finishes.

I look down and see that my nipples are poking through my shirt.

Daddy Asher chuckles and gently flicks one of my nipples before moving away from me.

That little flick sent waves through my core.

"I think our baby girl is wet." Daddy James says.

My face is red. He's right.

"No, I'm not." I say trying to play it cool while eating another spoon full of cereal.

"Hmm, I don't know princess." He jokes.

I just continue to eat my cereal trying to ignore him.

When I'm done daddy James takes me upstairs and puts a bra on me.

I hate these things, their so uncomfortable.

"It's just so nobody else can see what's ours princess." Daddy James tries to comfort me.

I guess so.


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