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Daisy's POV

     After a few days I'm fully better. That was terrible. I never want to be sick again.

I feel yucky though. I haven't bathed since being sick, so I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water and wait for it to warm up.

Daddy James and daddy Asher said they had to go to work but I know they are at court. I haven't forgot what Lauren told me.

They said Gloria will be watching over me today, she's so nice. I love her.

I strip down and slowly step into the shower.

The water hit in all the right spots where my sore muscles are. It felt like heaven.

I grabbed my loofah and put some soap on it to wash my body.

Grabbing my razor, I shave my legs and everywhere else leaving me smooth.

Stepping out I wrap my towel around me and dry off.

That felt good.

I throw on a white t shirt without a bra because those things are uncomfortable and some sweatpants over a neon pink lace thong.

I skip downstairs and see Gloria, so I skip to her and give her a hug from behind startling her.

"Thank you for being so nice to me while I was sick Gloria. I love you." I want her to know I appreciate her.

She turns around with watering eyes.

"I love you too dear. You're like a daughter to me, I'd do anything for you." She smiles and embraces me.

"Your hair has grown in beautifully dear." She comments.

That brought be back to an evil memory. Even though my hair isn't as long as it was before it's finally at my shoulders now.

My hands comb through my hair and I feel a tear running down.

"I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to bring up that part of the past. How about we do something fun with your hair?" She suggests.

I quickly nod my head and she smiles.

She grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom.

"Pick a color." She smiles knowing I have to idea what she's talking about.

"" I smile.

She grabs a small black plastic bowl and puts a pink paste and a clear paste in it and mixes it all around.

"What's that?" I ask.

She smiles at me.

"You'll see." She winks.

When she's done mixing it, she uses the weird brush and paints it on my hair in random spots.

After 30 minutes she says she's done and that I have to wait a little bit then she will wash it out. I look in the mirror and see some foil in my hair.


I go to my room and play with my dolls until it's time.

"Oh my gosh Taylor, don't say that about Kevin." I pretend my Barbies are talking.

"Well, it's true." Taylor responds.

I roll my eyes; Kevin isn't a bad guy.

"Daisy, it's time!" Gloria sings.

Quickly I stand up and run back into the bathroom almost tripping over my own two feet.

I see Gloria giggle at my excitement.

She pulls the foil out of my hair, and I see pink stands.

I gasp.

"I love them!" I yell with a smile plastered on my face.

Gloria laughs and continues to take the foil out.

When she's done, she leans my head into the sink as she washes my hair.

After she's finished blow drying and styling it, I turn around to see the final product.

I have a few pink accents in my hair.

"It's so pretty, thank you so much!" I say excitedly.

I jump and hug her while she laughs.

I look in the mirror again and admire her work.

She walks out of the bathroom as I'm touching my hair.

Gloria is seriously a jack of all trades.

After checking myself out I go back into my room and wait for my Daddies to get home.

After a few hours I finally hear the door shut.

I shoot down the stairs excited to show my daddies my hair.

Once I see them, they both smile at me.

"Look daddies, pretty right." I smile widely.

"Beautiful angel." Daddy Asher compliments.

"I like it princess." Daddy James supports.

I jump up and down with excitement and I see their eyes on my chest.

I look down and remember that I don't have a bra on.

I smile to myself, and I quickly lift up my shirt to flash them.

Their eyes turn black, and I run up the stairs as fast as I can.

Two hands snake around my waist and throws me over his shoulder.

I can tell its daddy Asher because daddy James is behind us smirking at me.

My back is met with cold sheets of a bed as I'm thrown on it.

"You thought you were going to get away with that?" Daddy Asher chuckles.

Kinda... Yeah...


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