Chapter 18

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*Daisy's POV*

I woke up to the car stopping. I wonder how long I was sleeping for.

"You hungry angel?" Daddy Asher asks me.

"Starving daddy." I say feeling my tummy rumble. I haven't eaten since breakfast and now it's dark outside.

We step out of the car and daddy James grabs my hand. We walk into the small diner, and I'm hit with amazing smells.

The diner was retro. The seats were black and red, and it had those cool little bar stools at the bar.

"Hello, welcome to Vals Diner. Table for 3?" The pretty waitress asks. She was tall and had long legs. Her hair was to her hips with curls shaping her face. She had bright red lipstick. I wonder what I would look like with red lipstick. I've never worn makeup before. Bria said that I'm naturally beautiful, so I wasn't allowed to wear it.

We walk to a booth, and she hands me and Asher a menu and looks at James seductively biting her lip slowly handing a menu to him. Suddenly she's not so pretty anymore.

"What can I get you all to drink?" She asks leaning over the table pushing her boobs together in James' face. I feel my skin start to boil. Who the heck does she think she is showing MY daddy her boobs?

"I'll have a mountain dew." Asher says

"I'll have a water and the little girl will have a chocolate milk." Daddy James says not paying attention to her.

"Coming right up." She says turning away swaying her hips.

I feel the anger crawling in my skin.

"Shes not even pretty." I comment quietly.

"What was that princess?" James asks not hearing me.

"Nothing daddy." I smile.

The waitress comes back with our drinks still swaying her hips.

"Your mountain dew, your chocolate milk..." she says setting down my and daddy Ashers drinks then turns to daddy James "and your water." She says bending down a little extra exposing more cleavage.

"Eww."  I roll my eyes.

"Excuse me?" The waitress looks at me.

"Oh, nothing I just prefer my chocolate milk without boobs is all." I say smugly.

"Daisy." Daddy Asher

"Yes daddy?" I say sweetly. He leans over into my ear.

"Is somebody jealous?" He whispers. I blush.

"What can I get for you all to eat?" The waitress interrupts our whispered conversation looking directly at daddy James. Does she know their 2 other people at this table?

"Point to what you want angel." Daddy Asher says. I point to the chicken tenders and fries. He nods.

"I'll have the house burger with fries, and she will have the chicken tenders with fries." Daddy Asher orders for us. Then the hoe looks at daddy James.

"And for you baby?" She says biting her lip.

Oh hell no.

"Don't call him that!" I yell. Luckily it was only us in the restaurant.

Daddy James quirks up his eyebrow with a smirk.

The waitress rolls her eyes at me and continues talking to MY DADDY!

"Anyways, your order handsome?" She says side eyeing me.

Daddy Asher grabs my hand.

"Let it go angel, he's not even interested." He whispers so she couldn't hear. I decide to listen to him. We will only be here for like an hour anyways then we will never see that ugly hoe again. I cross my arms and wait.

"I'll also have the house burger but with onion rings instead of fries." Daddy James says calmly looking into my eyes. I smile at him; I see that he's ignoring her advances. I giggle. Shes trying so hard for nothing.

"I'll get that right to the chef." She says smiling at us and gives me a 'stay out of it' look. Fuck her, he's mine.

"She can't even clean a table right." I say touching a sticky spot on the table. Daddy Asher grabs a napkin and wipes my hand.

"Princess, you're jealous." Daddy James says chuckling. Yeah, so what?

"No, I'm not daddy." I say pouting.

"Shes pretty I might have to get her number." Daddy James says slyly leaning back in the booth smirking at me. I felt the steam of anger come out my ears.

"She can't have you, you're mine!" I yell. I hear them both laugh, and another waitress looks over confused. Don't tell me I have to kill her too.

"Relax princess, you're mine and I only see you." He says putting his hand on mine. His words made me smile. Only me?

"I... I'm sorry daddy." I said quietly looking down. I usually never lose my temper like this, but she was all over him sticking her boobs in his face. My boobs will be the only boobs in his face!

Calm down Daisy he said only me.

"You're not in trouble princess, it was actually cute. But next time can we please try to control your anger?" Daddy James says smiling at me. I nod my head in agreement. I'm happy I'm not in trouble, I really didn't mean to get that mad.

I see the curly headed hoe walk over to our table with the food in her hands. Oh great, please give me my food and leave.

"The house burger with fries, the tenders, " she sets down both our plates then turns to daddy James "and your house burger with onion rings." She says biting her lip.

"Bye." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and turns away and stomps away.

"I win." I shrug biting a piece of chicken. I hear them both laughing but I don't even care.

We finish our meal, which was mediocre compared to what Gloria makes, and waited for the hoe to bring us a check. Oh, goodie here she comes.

"May we have the check please." Daddy Asher asks coldly.

"Of course!" She says running to get it. I hope she slips.

She comes running back handing the check to daddy James waiting for him to take it. Without looking at her he takes it. Daddy is a good boy. I smile to myself.

He lays the money on the table, and we all get up to leave.

Back to the car we go.


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